
So why am I looking at the Afghanistan war "still" going on and WW two only lasted 39 months?

by Guest62513  |  earlier

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What is going on?




  1. We aren't at war with a country, we're at war with an ideology. Unfortunately you can't easily contain something like that. It's the trick that's kept us in this.

  2. Well thats an easy question to answer the simple fact is that we killed all resistance until the evil axis powers simply had no one left to throw at us. We killed nearly every man in Berlin, and fire bombed and nuked Japan resulting in nearly a million deaths. Had we used the same tactics on those in Afghanistan then yes it would have been over in about a year. But you have to remember the Japanese, Germans, and Italians all wanted our help to rebuild, the Arabs don't.  

  3. Because you are mentally unable to grasp the different types of warfare and the adversaries in both to deduce that it is not "no end in sight" but just a different fight.  Oh and BTW, USA in WW2 was those dates, in the Pacific it started in the early 30's with Japan attacking China.  Education, get one.

  4. Vote 08  (Ask V.Pres. Cheney)Cheney's campaign to magnify presidential war-making authority, arguably his most important legacy. *

  5. nuc the whole country

  6. gfhfgh

  7. Suppose we could end it the was we ended WW2, with the dropping of a couple of A-Bombs.  

  8. Those were the good ol' days when the enemy surrendered when they knew they were beat. Ask yourself how long WWII would have gone on for if the Japanese or Germans had have fought until the death, and employed guerrilla tactics like hiding in the forests and hills, only coming out for a quick hit now and then. Or melding with the civilian population, non-uniformed...

    Some would say the current fight is against an ideology and not a nation, it's a different ballgame.

  9. ^_^ more money, more power. DUH!

  10. Different deal all together.. This one will go on for many..many years..

  11. im guessing you know a lot less about the war than you think you do. but good job googling how long its been five seconds ago.

    try talking to someone whos actually over there to get an idea.  i know it sounds like im pro-war, im actually not. im just sick of everyone criticizing bush when they probably have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. yeah im not pro-bush either, i just wish america would read a book.

  12. some information,may be helpful,,

  13. You must be An American.

    We are still fighting in Afghanistan because we have not beaten the Illusive Enemy Yet

    WW2 Lasted Just under six years...71 to 74 Months I believe.

    The Us involvement was only 39 months Thank You

    England and France declared war on Germany on 3rd September 1939.

    Germany surrender on 7th May 1945 and VE day (Victory in Europe) was the next day 8th May 1945.

    Japan: Emperor makes his surrender broadcast (VJ Day) on August 15th 1945

  14. What did General (and President) Eisenhower (Ike) warn America about?

    The Military Industrial complex

    You have corporations like Boeing, General Electric, Lockheed, etc, giving our "elected" politicians BILLIONS of dollars to vote to start wars.

    Ike was right.

    He's probably the last Republican I actually agreed with.

  15. George W. Bush

  16. Because in the WW II was not about life, but death. We all had to protect ourselves or we could be annihilated by Hitler's germany. But in the Afhanistan simple soldiers even didn't know what were they fighting for. It was just a local POLITICAL war. Nothing more.

  17. Sure - and what was the date when the US troops fully withdrew from Germany? or Japan?

    Oh ... that's right, they are still there.

    (Plus, you are only counting from the dates the US got directly involved with WWII - it had been going on in Europe for a few years before hand - it was our "fresh" troops that helped turn the tide.)

    And, as someone else touched on, we decided we were going to win, not tie the hands of the military. (It's tough to fight a fair war when the other side doesn't agree to the rules.)

  18. Hitler died

    Bin Laden = not dead

  19. The war that is going on in Afghanistan will continue until all American and other Nations will go back to their country,

  20. We're fighting a gorilla war there. Those kind of wars take time. Just like Vietnam.

    And just like Vietnam, we've got every liberal up for election screaming bloody murder about it. Not to mention we're carrying the blue helmets along for the ride.

    Also, we lost tens of thousands in WWII. We've only lost a little over 4,000 in five years of conflict on two fronts.

    So let not your heart be troubled. We're smashing their organizations and rogue nations that supplied them are rapidly closing off funds and showing them the door.

    This is good work. And absolutely necessary for a peaceful planet.

    And lets not forget that WWII lasted between 1939-1945.

    Thats 6 years! We were the late comers, but the war began long before our involvement...much to our shame.

  21. Really backward country.  Lots to do.  And we weren't trying to win hearts and minds.

  22. at least there are a LOT less deaths. But the answer is that it isn't a true war, it is a government takeover. To ensure we can set up democracy there we're gonna have to be there...well until we're sure that there is no one left to try and take our new Americanized iraqi government over.  

  23. Better check motives behind both and you will come to know :)

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