
So why did the democrats get behind a muslim for their prez. nominee?

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So why did the democrats get behind a muslim for their prez. nominee?




  1. That's the best they could come up with.

  2. first of all he's not a muslim, and second of all why would that even matter

  3. Because most people went with the power play regardless of how well Obama could do against McCain.

  4. i'm sure most of them think it's cool

    great huh ?

    sounds more like a sleigh ride to h**l

  5. Why did the republicans get behind a Bush clone?

    See Lawyer X for the "Best Answer"

  6. How badly did republicans have to f up for the democratic frontrunners to be a woman and black man named Barack Hussein Obama?

    The nation wants change and the democrats recognized that.

  7. Because the "born again christian, compassionate conservative", is killing this country.  We are in desperate need of a change.

  8. obama is a christian

  9. Obama is a christian, NOT a muslim. He was born to non-religious parents, but convereted to christianity. He has described his father, Barak Obama senior, as "raised a Muslim," but a "confirmed atheist". This is probably the source of this rumour.

  10. no clueee, what the heck is america coming to.

    gooo mccainnnn lol (;

  11. What country are you referring to? I know the American democratic nominee is Senator Obama.who was born,and remains a Christian !

  12. ...they lack choices.    Democrats today are not the democrats that were once respected.

  13. A better question:  Why do some Republicans use lies and religious bigotry to advance the cause of defeating Obama?  Answer:  Because otherwise they'd have to defend the failed policies of the Bush administration that McCain consistently supported.

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