
So why didn't the cop believe me if he wasn't there when this happened?

by  |  earlier

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I had to stop for a deer and while I was waiting for deer I got rear ended.

When the guy rear ended me it pushed me to the right lane a little bit.

So even when nothing shows I cut him off even witnesses there trying to tell me I cut him off then slammed on my brakes and then he rear ended me.

Why would I cut him off and slam on my brakes if I saw the deer coming and he didn't.

Its hard to explain but thats how it happend. I had pictures showing I slide before he hit me and they still say otherwise.

I got pictures showing damage is center not on the right side at all.

Tell what I can do next they keep trying to put words in my mouth and just arguing with me?

The two whitnesses say its not my fault but they still want to do a percentage due to there cuting off and stoping fast excuse.

All this after he yelled at everyone being an *** trying to have me

arrested all sue you and get this and that from you he said.

Now I just have liability so its me aginst his insurence.




  1. it really sounds like there is more to this story then you are telling... if you did see a dear you should never swerve your vehicle to avoid it...that's the number one way people die or get injured in a car deer accident.... you also need to be aware of your surroundings at all times... so in fact you did cut him off and did cause and accident while you lost control of your vehicle and created a bigger accident then ever needed to be....   sorry... but that the way of it.

  2. Brother if you have to explain so much....??? guess you are right ...but ???  Are you getting sympathy from others here ....??

    Search yourself ...perhaps theres the answer at the end of the silver lining...!!!

    I believe for every action theres a reaction....!!

  3. It sounds like your screwed lol

  4. You are STILL at fault!

  5. When they say they want to do a percentage, they're saying that you were partially at fault and so was the guy that hit you. You are partially at fault because you braked too suddenly. It really doesn't matter that there was a deer in the road. If they are giving you a "percentage" they're probably also stating that there are signs posted saying that there is a possibility of animals or other hazards in the road (such as a deer crossing sign) and you should have slowed down and made yourself more aware of your surroundings.

    More likely than not, since you were rear ended, his percentage of fault will be higher (speeding and following too closely etc). He is supposed to keep a safe enough distance in front of him just in case you DO brake suddenly as you did.

    However, if they are saying that you did an improper lane change and that is what caused the accident, you call your insurance company up and tell them you are contesting the charge. They will then send their own accident investigator out to do an assessment.

    As for your question "Why would I cut him off and slam on my brakes if I saw the deer coming and he didn't." umm saw the deer, slammed on your brakes and turned the wheel to avoid hitting the deer.  

  6. Well that is difficult. Similiar thing happened to me when a woman came into my lane and damaged my car. She tried to say that I motioned for her to change lanes, then she said I changed lanes and her story kept changing.

    Anyway, probably the best you can hope for is a no fault. Which means that your insurance pays for your car and his pays for his. If he has Allstate, then the company will try to come back and sue you anyway. However, you pay your insurance company just for this reason. You need to keep pushing them and tell them that it was not your fault. Ask for a different adjuster as they often take a case, barely review it and then make a decision in 15 minutes flat based on no investigation.

    I had to demand my insurance company file a lawsuit against the guy that hit me in a hit and run. Luckily I had witnesses and the plate number. The companies have lawyers on hand just for this, so they will file the suit for you. At least State Farm will.

    Be prepared to do a lot of legwork yourself. Insurance companies only move when pushed by the insured.

  7. How much would it cost you if you lost?

    If that amount is high, then hire a lawyer.

    If not, then let his insurance take you to court if they think they can prove it's your fault.

  8. Here' a a bigger question... why would a group of witnesses lie for the other guy? Why would they all make up the same lie just to s***w you over?

    Just because you have pictures thatshow you slid does not mean you did not cut him off and then slam on your breaks. WHy would you do such a thing, who the h**l knows... maybe the guy was a jerk and you wanted to teach him a lesson, I've done it many times and I'm a very responsible driver.

    I thinkyou're playing with the truth an you only have liability insurance so you are going to pay for making a number of bad decisions.

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