
So why do the different cults of Christianity hate each other so much?

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Before you claim that Christianity in all its different forms are not cults...consult your dictionary as to what a cult is.

Christianity and all other religions are, by definition, cults.




  1. I won't agree with your use of the word cult.  True, a cult can be any following, but that usage is not in vogue and to call Christianity a cult is an insult.  As if you were unaware.

    And I won't even agree with your premise that we hate each other.

  2. Hate is what cults do best!

  3. Cults by definition are not Christian, so it  makes sense why they would not see eye to eye.

  4. One, Christianity is not a cult

    Two, Christians denominations do not hate one another. They disagree about certain interpretations of the same scripture.

    Three, the core belief for ALL Christians is the same. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Jesus died on the cross for our sins to give all of mankind the chance to "get right with God" and to restore the original relationship that ended with the sins of Adam and Eve.

  5. I don't hate Christians of other denominations, I suspect most Christians feel the same way

  6. 1st off, they arent "cults".

    Every religion is touchy when somoen disagress with its own views. Difference scares and intimidates poeple.

    Naturally, christians woudl too. Its onyl human nature.

  7. Politics can affect the church just as bad as the church can affect politics.

  8. It is not about hate, but truth and if one does not teach truth, then they are taking innocent people to h**l.

  9. Tribalism

  10. If a Christian hates anyone, he betrays his faith.  We are called to love even our enemies.  

  11. Envy.

  12. Where was it said that Christians hate each other? Just because different groups have different ideas, interpret things differently, or have different beliefs, doesn't mean they hate each other. They just don't agree with what the others are teaching or how they are interpreting.

  13. My God, i'm still looking for a decent dictionary....

    i have about 3 or four at home and am on occassion reduced to near tears, shock-and or pure frustration.

    You should buy a couple and Double-Check. And by the way it aint Hate baby it's LOVE.

    GOD is LOVE, and he Loves you too.

    He's been busy "Making It Alright For You.", pick one.....

  14. I don't know, but it's fine by me. While they're fighting over the minutiae of biblical interpretation, the number of people converting to MY religion (Paganism) is doubling every 18 months.

    It's true; look it up before you thumbs-down me.

  15. Just like the street gangs,  make your cross the wrong way on the others turf and you are gonna get jacked up with all sorts of purgatory and damnation.  

  16. Christianity is NOT a religion therefore it is NOT a cult so get your facts right.

  17. These people live a life based on fear and paranoia. Those who live a life filled with fear are the ones who are constantly trying to convert you to their particular religious sect or cult. They see everything as black and white, we and they. "Since we are right, you must be wrong. Therefore, I have to convert you to my faith because that way you will be right and there will be no one around to imply that I (horrors!) could be wrong. For if I am wrong about this, then I could be wrong about everything in my life, and I am too fearful to spend time examining my life," This type of person is frequently (but not always) poorly educated when it comes to religion and philosophy. "It was good enough for daddy, it's good enough to me" is their operative motto.  

  18. Gang mentality.

  19. Christianity is not a cult.  if Christians do as God asks they do not hate each other, they tolerate and love one another.  it is my belief that the ones who do the greatest damage are intolerant of their fellowman and his religion.

    want to see some damage??  read gemma's post

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