
So why does?

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Why does the Global Warming fear mongers raise cain and complain when politicians and scientist receive money from "Big Oil" by saying they are paid off by "Big Oil", yet they say nothing to the same effect when politicians and scientist receive money or funding by the Sierra Club? Seems hypocritical to me




  1. Don't you know? Only their sources of money are clean. All other studies are tainted because of the funding. It does not matter what the actual results are. If it is not funded by one of their "friends" the science is bad.

    This is the only way they can keep the lie alive. If it were simply a matter of science, then they would be laughed out of town.

  2. Oil companies are under the gun for record profits at this time.  And we all need to pay for gasoline which is going up.  The other part is must of the people do not understand the accounting practices of the oil

    As to the Sierra Club, it has not been in the news, and most people of short memories of what the Sierra Club had been accused of.  

    Thus, it is public image.

  3. Very hypocritical. Amazing to me in the recent hearings they blamed high gas prices on oil companies, when the Democrats are the ones who will not let them increase supply, build nuclear power or increase refineries. This is called misdirection, cause a problem and point at the other guy. Shame so many people fall for it.

  4. Even worse than that, Dr. James Hansen received $250,000.00 from John Kerry's foundation in 2004 then promptly endorsed him for President.

    Global warming is the best science money can buy.

  5. It'd be nice to get a grant of funds to actually start the global warming project of which I discovered the solution to. to put it into operation. in april I challenged the E.P.A. and went against them and all the scientists, because they were wrong they all thought it was various gases, but i fought them all the way and then proved it to them that man was'nt responsible and now a recent survey from Oregon Institute from 31,000 scientists just concured that global warming was'nt caused by man.  will the sierra club sponser us?

  6. I would bet that politicians are receiving WAY more money from "Big Oil" than the Sierra Club. There is nothing hypocritical about that.. its just where the money is at. As far as fear mongering goes, just because you believe you will be dead by the time you become effected by global warming, and you won't by the way, don't you care about your children and grandchildren. Does the propagation of human life on this planet mean so little to you that you would verbally insult the people who are trying to help make sure that people like yourself do not destroy the world the rest of us want to leave our children?

  7. Please name a few climate scientists that have received money from the Sierra Club and how much they have received. Sounds like an unsubstantiated claim to me.
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