
So why doesn't spell check learn "LOL"? I mean how many times do you see it and it's not there.?

by  |  earlier

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Why won't they add it. Lots of people from age 5-90 use it. I think it should be in the dictionary, if not just in an online Y/A dictionary. What do you think?




  1. Absolutely not. It's not a word anyway, and where would the line be drawn for these dozens of unnecessary abbreviations and irritating 'dumbing down' of the English language.

    Isn't it amazing how people have managed to convey their written thoughts for centuries without putting 'lol' at the end of a  sentence they think is funny or clever?

  2. IDK

  3. Spell check checks the spelling of words; lol isn't a word.  Ergo, it doesn't recognize it.

  4. guess they'd have to change a lot of stuff. maybe it'd be bad for people who actually use LOL as a wrong if you are trying to spell log or something and you acutally spell lol. like, how big is a lol instead of how big is a log.

    plus its slang

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