
So why doesnt alcohol freeze when u put it in the freezer?

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jus curious




  1. It doesn't freeze because your freezer isn't cold enough.

    Alcohol has a much lower freezing point than water. If you can get your freezer temperature below -114 degrees C then your alcohol will freeze.

  2. Ahhh, but thats for pure alcohol.

    Read my source for freezing points of alcohol at different proofs.  Water freezes at 32f, and boils at 212f.  Alcohol will also freeze/boil, but the points are "shifted".  Pure alcohol will freeze at -173f, and will boil ~150f.  This is how a still works, as it heats the mixture just above the boiling point of alcohol, but less then water.  The coil cools/collects the alcohol vapors, and chills them so that it turns back into a liquid.

    Alcohol does freeze, its just your freezer can't get that cold.

  3. Most freezers are 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Beer and wine will freeze at that temperature.  Most spirits, however, need to be much colder than that to freeze.  But, they are able to freeze.


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