
So why don't they show the full view of the monkey ?are they hiding something? Reuters?

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A monkey named Arthur controls a robot arm with his brain waves.from what i can see in the pic the monkey is not sitting comfortably whytf can't people just be nice to poor animals!!!?




  1. You're right. The monkey is restrained.

    This cruelty to animals must stop.  Most of these animal experiments are funded by taxpayers and are simply ego boosters as well as meal tickets for the scientists and research centers involved.  Does it not seem strange that after more than 60 years of research on cancer, they have yet to find a cure?  Does it not seem a bit strange that after more than 30 years of research on AIDS, we are no closer to a cure than we were when the disease was first identified?  When you think about it, though, it's not so strange.  Why find a cure and make yourself obsolete? (Most scientists are so specialized that they know nothing else but that specialty so if research funds dry up for that particular disease, they cannot always apply their skills to another field.  Furthermore, the field is so competitive that once a person has found his/her niche, he/she will fight tooth and nail to keep it.)  

    The pain and suffering of animals continues in the name of research, however, and what is sad is that people continue to support it.  To subject another to pain in order to alleviate your own is wrong, and I would like to see more people protest.

    Edit:  I do feel lonely being the only one to answer this question.  Isn't anyone else concerned about this issue?

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