
So why is Sasuke so easily defeated by Mr Hachibi?

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He got his flesh blown away and he bit Karin (by the way can you tell me why he is biting Karin), but he has the sharingan and cant he just use his eyes to control the beast? why is he knocked down? What is Suigetsu doing? Is this really the same Sasuke Uchiha that killed Orochimaru, one of the Legendary Sannin? And his explanation is that Orochimaru is weak, and it's easy to kill him? What the h**l?




  1. he bit her because he needs the chakra to live..which is

    sorry to offense all sasuke fans!

    and obviously, he got beaten by mr Hachibi because mr Hachibi contains the 8 tailed beast. And sasuke is stupid for thinking he could defeat him by himself! seriously!

    Mr. hachibi got out of the illusion technique with the help of the kyuubi inside him ^.^

  2. Because he is an idiot with his mind only on revenge for his brother even tough he killed him ...

    Sorry all Sasuke Fans But THAT'S THE TRUTH  

  3. ok,

    sasuke bit karin so sasuke can 'eat' her charka and regain strength. and i dont know if he can control the beast, its probaly in the next manga. Suigetsu was hurt so his pretty much just standing there -.- and sasuke didint kill orochimaru he only backfired his jutsu and then itachi killed him. hachibi is much stronger than naruto even though they are both jinkuries. hachibi is older and he can control the monster inside of him unlike naruto so he can use its power without being taken over or over powered

    i no i spelled things wrong sorry. hope this helps a bit

  4. Sasuke bit her so he can have some chakra to help him regenerate from his wounds.

    In Genjutsu, you will be snapped out of the illusion if someone from the outside snaps you out, like hitting you or something. For Mr. Hachibi, his beast inside him helps him get out of the Sharingan's genjutsu effects therefore making Sasuke's Sharingan useless.

    I guess, he became weaker since his Cursed Seal was gone, and he usually depends on it too much when he had it. So, that's about it. He is strong but since his CS2 is gone, it'll probably be harder for him.

  5. "He got his flesh blown away" <-this happened during chapter 413, by mr 8 tails during his transfermation, using his chakra armor(or whatever you call it) he did a direct hit to sasuke ripping apart his abdomen....

    "and he bit Karin (by the way can you tell me why he is biting Karin)"

    <-karin is like a medic/ homing beacon nin, medic= you get part of her chakra by biting her... homing beacon = she can pinpoint anyone with chakra, sasuke bit her arm during chapter 412 when mr 8 tails stabbed him with his sword and before he started transforming

    "but he has the sharingan and cant he just use his eyes to control the beast?"

    <- because he's not madara... and besides he only obtained the eternal mangekyo in just like 2 days(naruto time of course)? think about this as well, uchiha madara was said to control the 9 tails when it was "free" not when it was inside a host body, also if he(madara) can still control a bijuu inside a person then why didnt he target naruto when he was still a child( when no one cared for him, no control, no nothing)?

    "why is he knocked down?" <-sasuke? are you referring to sasuke in the recent chapter, if so, do you think you can stand up after getting you chest, neck ripped apart? hmmm?

    "What is Suigetsu doing?" <- swimming

    " Is this really the same Sasuke Uchiha that killed Orochimaru, one of the Legendary Sannin? " err sasuke took advantage of oro being weak at that time....  sasuke also did not kill orochimaru, he(sasuke) just trapped him(oro) in his(sasuke) mind.

    "And his explanation is that Orochimaru is weak, and it's easy to kill him?" <-- oro was in the period when he really need to transfer to a new body

    " What the h**l?" <- read and understand the manga before asking....  

  6. He got his flesh blown away and he bit Karin (by the way can you tell me why he is biting Karin),

    Karin has the ability to heal others if they absorb her chakra.  Sasuke bites her to absorb chakra.

    but he has the sharingan and cant he just use his eyes to control the beast?

    No, he can't.  The sharingan can be dispelled when a partner disrupts your chakra flow, and hachibi is partners with his bijuu.  Sasuke can only control the kyuubi.

    why is he knocked down?

    Because he didn't expect Hachibi to get back up and attack him.

    What is Suigetsu doing?

    Swimming in the water because he's kinda half-water.  He's turned into water somewhat, so he's swimming.

    Is this really the same Sasuke Uchiha that killed Orochimaru, one of the Legendary Sannin?

    Yes it is.

    And his explanation is that Orochimaru is weak, and it's easy to kill him?

    Orochimaru was in bed, weak because he needed a body transfer.  Orochimaru was weaker than Itachi.  Itachi was weak because of his on-going blindness and disease.  Therefore, he cheated.  They weren't at full strength.

    What the h**l?

    Yes, and maybe this will open his eyes to Naruto's capability.  Except that Sasuke can control Kyuubi, so how is that going to work?  I agree; what the h**l?

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