
So why vote republican? Why vote democrat? Rants welcome.?

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My family is STRICT McCain/Repub/conservative.

And I do hate Obama.

But I hate McCain- he opposes g*y marriage and abortion. I'm only 14, so it's not like I can vote. But I'm interested in politics and want to hear all sides. So please post your angry/passionate rants here. Best one with most reasons gets BA. :)

Please no bashing. Post away.




  1. Are you crazy? What are you talking about?

    Everyone knows McCain is all for g*y marriage and abortion. He is the most anti-Christian person on the planet.

    Obama, however, is very opposed to g*y marriage and has fought a winning battle to get abortion banned.

    Get your facts straight.

  2. Republicans.

    They have old fassioned common sense.

  3. John McCain has said himself that he voted 90% of the time with George W. Bush. He continues to bash Obama and Biden but himself and Palin refuse to actually tell the American people their plans for this country.

    You can't change the country when you think there's nothing wrong with it!

    You can't make America safe when you leave troops in unnecessary places like Iraq!

    We can't afford 4 more years of the same!

    McSame/Failin '08? NO!

  4. Go Obama!!!!!...yay!

  5. well im too young to vote too, but if i could, it would be democrat. heres why:

    well, first thing, democrats are for all the things that seem like basic rights to me (g*y marraige, pro-choice, etc) and republicans are against them. which totally pushes my buttons: why should anyone have to fight just to be with the person they love? all my views are liberal (i dont need to list them, my views are pretty much exclusively liberal). i feel like democrats want to get to the heart of the real issues, and republicans will do some of that, but also blow a lot of money on things that are none of our business (the iraq war is a perfect example. and even after everything bush had done turned out to be a disaster, he STILL got reelcted).

    when you get down to the most basic difference between the parties, the basic thing that republicans want to do is lower taxes, which only makes the rich richer (thats why so many wealthy people are republicans). i know this sounds like a republican-hating stereotype at first, but think about it, do some research, & you'll realize it's true (if you dont already know).

    remember: you don't have to like a politician. if they represent the things you care about and will do what you think is right in office, they should have your support.

  6. With g*y marriage is g*y divorce and abortion is Hitlerisim!

  7. I'm glad you can't vote!  McCain/08  I am Pro Live  xox  I know thumbs down hahaha

  8. Republicans = Bush

    Democrats = better America

  9. There are always the issues of the day and who thinks what about what.  But in this election the really important issue is the Supreme Court.  The next president may be in a position to appoint as many as 3 Justices.  The current court has ruled against the little people and in favor of corporations most of the time (against equal pay for equal work), and several of the recent appointees have said that it's okay for the president to take the kinds of dictatorial stands that Bush has taken (like wiretapping citizens without permission and simply picking people up and putting them in prison without charge).

    So if you think about the kinds of things that could be brought to the Supreme Court -- equal pay for equal work, abortion, habeas corpus, product liability -- then think about the kind of Justices you would like to have ruling on these issues, and vote for the person who would appoint those Justices.

  10. g*y marriage should be banned and abortion is nothing more than paying someone to kill your child.

    I hate the Democrats are for abortion. But the republicans and there wars are killing thousands while they line there pockets.  

  11. republicans is better but i dont care about what happens to america

  12. Well, I have voted Republican all my life and consider myself fairly conservative. I believe life begins at conception - I'm a mom of 4. I can't believe they were just nothing but tissue until they were born. I felt them - they were people even though they were babes in my belly. I am very pro-life. I am also of the belief that government should only be as big as it needs to be. I also believe every American should have access to affordable and excellent health care - we are AMERICA. Healthcare is a basic right, along with free speech and the pursuit of happiness.

    What upsets me is when the American people get shut out. The Republicans want businesses, they want people to stimulate the economy, however as a female business owner (should be able to get all kinds of help), I am not getting ANY help from government. I can barely afford to drive my kids to school in my car (a 1997) and I qualify for food stamps (even though we don't accept them). This isn't the American dream. What kind of future do my children have if something doesn't change?

    We're spending BILLIONS on bad forms of energy, we're spending BILLIONS on the war that is getting us nowhere (and a boy I used to babysit was killed in Afganistan last April - it has affected me personally. My good friend is suffering from PTSD and isn't receiving help and is a war vet). Nothing adequate is being done to provide for the vets coming back damaged - but more are being sent with no end in sight. I'm tired of it. What about all the victims of Hurricaine Katrina? Some of them STILL do not have homes. What about them?

    I am voting Obama/Biden. I don't care anymore about secondary issues - I want change. I want it now. I want jobs, I want my business, I want my kids to have a future. They didn't even get new school clothes this year because we could not afford it because of utility costs and the price of gas. We're barely making it. We live in Michigan - unemployment here is very very high. It breaks my heart.  

  13. obama is black and is a muslim,is inexperienced,hasnt gone to any type of military( is a p***y) abortions are wrong (if u believe in god) mccain wants us to drill

  14. i like mccain cause i was raised reb conserv too but i could care less about politics

  15. well look at it this way. each candidate sucks ***. so wich one do you not like the least. i dont like mccain the least so im goin for him. + i am pro-life.

  16. Because I think the DNC jipped me.  They didn't even count the vote I cast for hillary.  Obama won by acclimation.  There fore I will vote for the Republican by "acclimation".  All of my state's vote when to Obama.  Last I checked the primary didn't go that way.


  18. Well, this is a novel concept, but why not try to take the name out of the equation and just choose the issues that are most important to you and the person who represents them best with their ideas?

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