
So why won't Republicans take responsibility for our bad economy ?

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being that it is their fault and all......

I think Bush is the only one who still refuses to admit there is a problem...but they all seem to think they are not to blame, even though clearly they are.




  1. I think they are to blame for a lot of it but most you can not control.

  2. No, The problem was created by the Existence of the Federal Reserve Banking system and leaving the gold standard.

    So blame yourself, the real cause of the 1st great depression and the coming one is the liberal power-grab.  You want an all powerful super government with a big S on it's chest but won't take responsibility for it yourself.  I'd like Bushes head on a Pike but I'd also like to put all liberals in jail for being hypocrites about being for freedom and all that while promoting a totalitarian state.

    Besides that, for me work was plentiful until the new congress got in the box.  But I don't run around blaming Democrats because there's really no difference between the two.

  3. They act just like god. he is the one responsible for all evil but he passes the buck to his patsy Satan. like god they want to take credit for all good but wont take the responsibility for any bad that they cause.

  4. Would you if your job depended on convincing a massive number of people you're good at economics?

  5. First of all, Republicans alone are not responsible for economic failures.

    Second, no leader would ever admit the economy is in bad shape.  Regardless of whether or not it was, saying that it wasn't doing well would only make it worse.  This is one interesting situation, economics, where lying to the people can generate better results (or terrible ones!).  If people think the economy is good, they'll keep contributing to it, which could in turn strengthen an economy into what its leaders want it to be.

  6. Problem started with the Democrates.  They left the mess

  7. For the same reason they didn't want to give Clinton credit for helping bring an end to the bloody civil war in the former Yugoslavia.  They love their party more than their country, despite rhetoric which suggests the opposite.

  8. Because it's not their fault???

  9. Seeing as the main problems of our economy lie outside of what our government has done - the housing market, I don't understand how you can pin the blame solely on the government, the minority Republicans on top of that.


  11. The economy starts going downhill when the Democrats get put in charge of the purse strings... and you blame Republicans.

    You need help.

  12. The President has little control over the economy

    Just as it wasnt clintons doings that the economy was good during the 1990's it isnt Bushs fault that the economy is bad now

    A class in civics may help you

    They didnt have enough votes at any point in that decade to pass whatever they wanted

    Once again, go take a civics class

    your knowledge( or lack thereof) of how the gov't operates is what I find laughable

  13. Because both parties got us in this mess. Congress and senate is not all republicans!

  14. People buying houses they couldn't afford has a lot to do with it---how is that the Republicans fault?

    Also, unions and government regulations (from both administrations all the way back to Carter & before) that make our American companies not competitive with overseas companies and increase the trade deficit.

    And whoever voted for NAFTA (on both sides) and whoever voted against immigration reform (on both sides), etc. etc.,

    The list goes on and on.  You can't just blame everything on Bush--since the Congress has gridlocked pretty much everything he has tried to do for most of this past term.

    If the Dems win in November, look out, because you will see how it CAN get worse!!

  15. Isn't it the democratic party that wants to GIVE everything away?!  What about all the social welfare?  And aren't democrats in favor of rolling out the red carpet to any and every illegal that wants to enter our country, and as a welcome, they pass out free medical, free housing, free food, free education, free, free, free all at the expense of the taxpaying public?!  Tell me again how the republican party is responsible for the current condition of the economy?!  Obviously making a statement such as that, you have something to back it with.

  16. Because the republicans will blame it on the democratic majority, even though the house and senate can't pass policy without the president signing off on it.

  17. Wow you just want to start an argument but here's a mutual answer. Democrats and Republicans have different views on how the country should run. The thing is that these are issues that might never be resolved  because there aren't any right answers. It's mostly just a matter of opinion. Stop looking for a scapegoat and try looking for a solution.

  18. Whats up Kenny G

  19. I can admit Bush has done some stupid stuff but with Clinton in the 90's national debt increased by 75%.

    Don't think Obama will make it better.

  20. Clearly, you are unaware of who has been in control of congress for the past.....what 4 or 6 years.

    Oops, you're right.  It seems like a lot longer than that.  Still--I thought all the problems were over as soon as dems took over--I believe gas was 2.40 a gallon and now it's at 4.10--is that Bush's fault, too?

  21. If you think they "CLEARLY" are, whats your problem?

    wait till bama gets in...then ask the same question, you,ll have enough time if you cant get work  or cant get to work at $5or6 a gallon.......Bush just allowed drilling... now its nancys congress decision....they say NO

  22. God's ways are higher...

    Do not lean on your own understanding...

    God will take everything that was meant for evil and use it for good...



    Channel 42, Glenn Beck, featured a video of a man who has been Obama's "pastor" for the past 20+ years.  

    In this video, Obama's pastor who married Obama and his wife, and whom Obama considers to be like a member of his own family, asked God to d**n us Americans...he called us was a hate video, which has nothing to do with God, for God is love...  

    If you are an American, you should be very disturbed by this...and put other issues before money...

    God will provide...provided we are serving on His side!  And it is Written: we are either for Him or against Him!!!

    God instructs us to pray for those in authority...  So, if things are not going as they should, we can only point our fingers in our own direction...for not praying as we ought!

    Everyone is responsible to pray for our much time do we spend praying vs conversating and complaining?

    Seek first His kindom and His righteousness then all these other things will be given unto you!!!

    P.S.S. read what our founding brothers had to say:

    Quoted in part from the internet/Albert Mohler on Washington:

    Within this vast collection of Washington's own words and writings, we now have a remarkable ability to uncover what earlier scholars were unable to access. And when we let Washington's own words and deeds speak for his faith we get quite a different perspective than that of most recent modern historians. Washington referred to himself frequently using the words "ardent," "fervent," "pious," and "devout." There are over one hundred different prayers composed and written by Washington in his own hand, with his own words, in his writings. He described himself as one of the deepest men of faith of his day when he confessed to a clergyman, "No Man has a more perfect Reliance on the alwise, and powerful dispensations of the Supreme Being than I have nor thinks his aid more necessary."

    Rather than avoid the word "God," on the very first national Thanksgiving under the U.S. Constitution, he said, "It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor." Although he never once used the word "Deist" in his voluminous writings, he often mentioned religion, Christianity, and the Gospel. He spoke of Christ as "the divine Author of our blessed religion." He encouraged missionaries who were seeking to "Christianize" the "aboriginals." He took an oath in a private letter, "on my honor and the faith of a Christian." He wrote of "the blessed religion revealed in the Word of God." He encouraged seekers to learn "the religion of Jesus Christ." He even said to his soldiers, "To the distinguished Character of Patriot, it should be our highest Glory to add the more distinguished Character of Christian." Not bad for a "lukewarm" Episcopalian!


    on Abraham Lincoln, in part:

    Second Inaugural Address

    Saturday, March 4, 1865

    ...Fellow-Countrymen: ...

    ...Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."

      With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

    Few public leaders have used the name of God with greater authenticity than Abraham Lincoln did in his Second Inaugural Address. One of the most important speeches in American history, part above...Addressing the entire nation, not just those who supported his election, and speaking as much to those in the South as to those in the North, this was no "us against them," attempt to rally his "base."  Here you will find no effort to demonize an enemy. Rather Lincoln invokes the name of God, not in justification of his own decisions, but as the transcendent deity whose judgments alone are "true and true and righteous altogether...

    One Nation Under God!


    God loves us, and he wants a personal relationship with each of us, just like Washington, Abraham, and me...  If you don't know Him, just ask Him into your heart...believe in your heart that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and let the healing miracles begin... Draw nearer to Him and He will draw nearer to you!

  23. They  will  never  admit  to  wrongdoing!!!  Especially  politicians,  that  would  make  them  saints  and  you  can't  have  saints  in  the  white  house.

  24. Republicans live in a web of lies - they lie by reflex - they hire creatures like Karl Rove to write lies - they profit from lies - they win elections with lies - they use lies as pillows at night and eat lies for breakfast in the morning.

    Republicans will never take responsibility for anything until they're taken to trial - and then they'll cry like paddled school girls and beg for special treatment.

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