
So with this story breaking news, should the US continue its unofficial open border policy?

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What do you think about this story? Please discuss with reason and cooled tempers, thank you.




  1. Call a spade a spade.

    If elements of the Mexican military and or government like to play foot-see then let’s oblige them. Let the U.S. armed forces show the border patrol how it’s done (with a good ROE). After a few Mexican army trucks are burning in the desert they'll think twice about making further drug runs. Otherwise if it escalates repeat history and march on Mexico City and restore order to the perpetual mess that is Mexico.

  2. The United States government is doing it's best to destroy America, and the American people are fine with that. They keep electing the same democrats and republicans.

  3. yea

  4. all i can say is we have brought it on ourselves, lets just open the border up and be done with it if we cant do the job right .we need the army or marines to guard them, not some deputy rosco or deputy five we need to back them also and not throw them in jail when they do the job right

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