
So y cigs not by royal apointment to her magisty the queen anymore?

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do they think it encourages youngsters?




  1. because she dont smoke her sister did she's dead

  2. It's the safety n***s at it again.What annoys me is that these same safety n***s make a truly obscene amount of money telling us something that we already know,ie smoking is bad for you.Here's an idea guys,instead of pocketing your fat salaries,why not give it all to cancer research?Or any other deserving cause.Then get a real job.By the way,I have never met anyone who was influenced by the royal appointment label on a pack of smokes.Not even ardent republicans!

  3. Cause she's toooooo old.

  4. The Queen never smoked and nobody assumed royal warrants influence young people. But I think they used to provide cigarettes at royal parties and stopped a long time ago, so the royal appointment was out of date.

  5. Oh yes they all want to be just like the queen. We all want to be like an octogenarian don't we?

  6. The Queen never smoked, her late sister Margaret did.

  7. She's given up.

  8. Probably old bean. Her Majesty the Queen must cringe when people remind her of poor Margaret's habit eh? Youngsters won't pick up the habit even if mum or dad indulges but only by peer example normally - a lot of people won't admit to that but some kid's do have minds of their own especially during the time of teenage angst. If their friends think it is no longer cool then they probably won't want to. Kids are Kids are Kids.

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