
So yahoo wont allow me to criticize the US womens soccer team?

by  |  earlier

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ill ask again

does this behavior make you proud.....sticking out a tongue at the opposition?....or audience?...taking off about a some class and dignity to winning.......nevermind, these are Americans





  2. the taunting type of tongue gesture you are thinking of is done with a closed mouth and not by anyone over 10 years old lol. the shirt thing is harmless but i respect your opinion that it is unclassy. that chick is always trying to show off her tattoos

  3. Sounds like another sore loser.  

  4. Wow I am so glad you bought this to my attention....I am loving her tattoos!  Awesome!

    Oh in response to your lame observation i'm assuming you've never seen a soccer game before or the reactions that come from winning or scoring so I will just let you know that this is nothing new. Any country that won would have had the same reaction.  It's just the culture of soccer and no one is offended by it.

  5. I guess you could almost compare it to poor losers that try and call it unfair because the competition was underage.  Though the chick with the tattoos was kind of hot.    

  6. i think its acceptable for men but for women that is so wrong!!!!!!!!

  7. Sticking out your tongue - I'm sorry, I saw lots of people whose tongues stuck out of their mouths when they were celebrating, from many countries, but I haven't heard anyone else say that those athletes were directing it at the losers when you don't have any other person in the photo to say that about.

    Taking off clothing - Really? She's in a sports bra... If you think that is skimpy, I hope you didn't see any of the beach volleyball.

    How about some objectiveness when posting a question?

    Never mind - you're just causing even more fuss by insulting civilians who weren't even there and had no influence on the athletes themselves.

  8. all they are doing is celebrating a victory

  9. It seems to be a bit over the top (not having seen the match just the photos), certainly sticking your tongue out isn't the best way to show class.

  10. your country must suck.

  11. go wipe your tears and pull up your pamper

    every soccer team that has won goes over the top in celebration

    but hey hating on the gold medalist means something

    the most hate comes to those on top

    the Brazil team, earlier in the tournament were yelling at a player telling her to get up after they tripped her and got a yellow card

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