
So yeah i just got braces two days ago

by  |  earlier

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and they are really annoying....ive been reading around on yahoo answers and stuff and they say a couple of days ill gets use to them....but then i read the it will hurt when i get them tighted....and i was just wondering after i get them tighted will they hurt another couple of days again or just that day?




  1. They hurt for a couple day. But then you get used to them. But all I have to say is, for as long as you have them Tylenol will be your best friend.

  2. It really depends on the person; some people may experience pain just that day, or the following 2 days. For me, it usually takes me about 2 days to adjust to tightening. If you haven't done this already, take a tylenol, eat plenty of soft food (pasta, ice cream, pudding) and apply wax whenever you can. Good luck. P.S. I've been told many times "the tin grin is in!"  

  3. I'm sorry about it, but the pain will go away in a couple of days, and then you will be able to eat with no pain :]

    And about the adjustments, it really depends on which archwire they chance it to. The first few times they would use a very thin wire, so it wont hurt at all. Today I had my second adjustments on my top teeth and I've had no pain whatsoever.

    So just stick with Tylenol and soft foods for a couple days more, and you'll be fine :]

  4. two or three days at the most.  When I had braces it always sucked till the pain went away.  Just endure man.  It's all worth it in the end! =)

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