
So you are saying that ALL PSYCHICS are fake.....???

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What proof do you have?




  1. there are secret societys out there that have studied gestural language so carfully,that they know how to mis-direct people,they are called  usurpers,all reality is knowable to must carfully without distraction study the esscence of everything you see,etc,what is is.but be careful,uncovering the truth is,and can be dangerous,be invasive during studies.

  2. Proof!!!You can't handle the proof.

  3. You can't prove a negative.  All you can do is show, one by one, that they are a hoax.

    So far, the skeptics are batting 1.0000 - no confirmed psychics.

  4. I think there are those who can do things by illusion or even hypnotism. But, there does seems to be some amount of credibility when it comes to a select few such as with Remote Viewers. I still think it's better to doubt most things than believe in them whole heartily. The key word on this topic appears to be: "Illusion." From the biblical point of view there are those who will be known by their: "works" For all we know these are really just extraterrestrials using advanced or  unknown technologies.

  5. Concerning the Randi Challenge "But as a leading Fellow of CSICOP, Ray Hyman, has pointed out, this "prize" cannot be taken seriously from a scientific point of view: "Scientists don't settle issues with a single test, so even if someone does win a big cash prize in a demonstration, this isn't going to convince anyone. Proof in science happens through replication, not through single experiments." The link to the web page where this quote was taken from is below.

    No doubt many psychics are fake but this does not provide evidence that they are all fake. Some even cooperate in the scientific study of their abilities (see link below).

  6. No, I just think all psychics EXCEPT me are fake.  What proof do you have that I am wrong?

  7. Yes, my opinion is that all psychics are fake. I'm sure some actually honestly believe in their powers, while others are just wanting to make a buck.

    Can I prove they are all fake? No. But the burden is on them to provide evidence of their claims. There's no burden of proof on me if I choose not to accept their claims.

    Sure, there is a possibility, however slight, that psychics do have powers of some kind and it's just that they are really really bad at using them. I think it's just far more likely that they really don't have any powers at all.

  8. Your question illustrates a logical misunderstanding.

    If I say there is a celestial teapot orbiting the earth, too small to be seen by telescopes, surely it is up to *me* to provide the evidence for such a teapot, not for others to have to disprove such a claim.

    No psychic *ever* has produced any credible evidence for ther claims.


  9. Here's a start - an admission from one of them.  Go to the 7th postcard on the first link.

    The 2nd link has more about other so-called "psychics".  James Randi has a standing offer to give $1 million to anyone who can demonstrate psychic powers in laboratory conditions.  So far, nobody has collected a dime.  For that kind of money, you'd think that if they really had some sort of talent or ability, they'd at least take a run at it.

  10. most are fake.

    i'm willing to bet that 80% of all psychics that skeptics go after are all fake.

    i'm also willing to bet that 80% of all skeptics that go after psychics are fake.  it's actually a lot easier to fake science than it is to fake psychic stuff.

    it's been proven many times that the Randi challenge is fake.  well, based on reports.  but there's no other way to prove it.

    i know for a fact that scientifically recognized atupuncture is fake, while acupuncture itself is real.  this means that at least 80% of acupuncturists are fake without knowing it.

    i also know for a fact that chi exists.  i've used it many times, and i've seen it used many times.  but i'm not good enough at using it that i'm confident enough to prove that it exists.  and just like the rest, at least 80% of people that talk about chi are fake.

    it's just a fact of the world that 80% of everything is fake.

    only very few things are 100% fake.  and even fewer are only 50% fake or less.

    i, myself, am still probably around 40% fake, maybe 30%.  but that's a lot better than everyone else i've met.  i only know 2 people, after meeting thousands, who are as real as me.

  11. The fact that none of them can prove that they can do it.  If they can't prove themselves real, why should I have to prove them fake?

    If someone claimed they could cure cancer for a million bucks, wouldn't you ask for some sort of proof?  I hope so.

  12. I have real doubts about "powers", but I believe in phenomena. I think actual occurrences are very rare and investigators could stand watch for several lifetimes waiting for one to happen. Randi's money should be safe (how did he get all that money anyway?).

    I also have a ton of respect for our own TR, who tends to keep peoples' feet on the ground (figuratively, of course). If anyone actually has "powers", I think TR does. He could be trying to cleverly throw us off the track (just kidding TR!).

  13. there is no proof that psychics are truly fake or real but there is evidence that they do have increased brain waves during certain periods of time. personally i beleive in them, my great-grandfather was one and he watched all his friends die in the future, present, and in his nightmares. he even saw his own death and told us how he was going to die and when and it was ture. i think that some are truly psychics, others are fake. its a matter of opinion.

  14. It is not up to skeptics to disprove anything.

    It is up to believers and proponents to prove it.

    Until I see real proof, I assume that Occam's razor is in effect.

    The person is either dishonest and using trickery or delusional and believing in powers they don't have.

    This is the simpler explaination compared with the mind having mysterious powers which defy all known laws of physics. These powers have previously eluded detection in spite of generations searching for this ability.

    The Randi Challenge is valid.

    James Randi admits that he would gladly pay the million dollars. It would be a discovery worth a million dollars!

    If con men (or a dishonest culture of con men) can't BS Randi or the Foundation, then they must have a sour grapes attitude and attack (inventing charges of fraud, hah! Con Men accusing someone of fraud!) if they are to stay in business.

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