
So you cant work any where in california if your 14... even with a permit?

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So you cant work any where in california if your 14... even with a permit?




  1. Yes a 14 year old can work in California and yes you will need a work permit from your high school. Here's the link to detailed information:

    I've cut and paste some of the information below. Good luck!!

    All minors under age 18, including minors employed by parents, (ED.C.49141) must have a Work Permit except if minor has graduated from high school. Applications are available at each school while school is in session and during the spring break, fall break and summer at your local County Office of Education. Work permits must be renewed at the start of each new school year or at the time the student obtains a new job. Work permits are required all year, not just when school is in session. It serves as an age certificate and states the maximum hours a minor may work based on their age

    AGES 14-15 (School In Session)

    - 3 hours max. per day/18 hours per week - 7 a.m.-7pm.

    AGES 14-15 (Summer)

    - 8 hours max per day/40 hours per week 7 a.m.-9 p.m.

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