
So you think your 'gas' is expensive at $4+ per US gallon?

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forgetting about diesel which is now averaging over GPB1.30 (my pound sign doesn't work) here in the UK, standard unleaded petrol is averaging 116 pounds 7 pence, and can be found for GBP1.27. At 116.7 that is equal to approximately GBP5.55 per UK gallon as we used to buy it, or GBP4.62 per US gallon. Depending on exchange rates that means we are paying anything up to nine dollars per US gallon, and you lot moan about paying four, no wonder there are so many big cars over there




  1. Appearenlty you dont know much about economics. Its not the price that matters, its price comprarison to the economy. We have low gas prices, and big cars , because we Was a high society economic market. Our economny is taking a steeping hault, so its making it tighter on everything along with how our economy always worked. Our economy was booming for so long, the life style is diffrent in america, we drive 1hour to work and 1 hour back ... or even 100 miles. We bought our vehicles that fit that lifestyle with dependablity,comfort and class. B/c thats what our economy was booming, If we all bout your little two door specs.... Tiny cars, then our economy never would have boomed the way it did.  So when they inflate gas prices, we feel the crunch worse because we drive less economical vehicles, "but were economical at the time".  So shut your mouth until you learn about another countries economics, or i'll drive my 13 miles to gallon jacked up truck over your little car!

  2. This is a very simplistic economic view. The average income is also higher in the UK so that makes a big difference also. Prices of products are subjective from country to country. A UK Gallon is also larger than a US, although not that much. A UK Gallon is 6.25% larger, 4 liters in the UK as opposed to 3.75 in the US.

    I do agree about the big cars thing though. I wish we had more little cars like you do. For economic and emmissions purposes.

  3. americans are such idiots!!!!!

    they complain and complain, but when push comes to shove wont do ****.

    i understand the uk's problem, but you have been having this for years, vs us just starting, so its going to take some time before america conforms to the new high price of gas.

  4. Wow, all these rants about economics and driving lifestyles, it is clear that folks dont know what they are talking about.

    The price disparity between the US and Europe is that gasoline in Europe is heavily taxed (between 50% and 100%).  European government allocates those taxes to investment in public transportation, thus the awsome public transport system across Europe.

    With prices in Europe approaching $10 per gallon, you can see why folks who have a car and drive do so in a compact.

  5. you really pay almost $9 for it? i do feel bad for complaining about 4 if thats true =( but still $4 is bad too but $9 is i would NEVER pay $9 for gas....well i dont drive yet but i wouldn't let other people pay $9 for gas lol

  6. Get rid off all 6 and 8 cylinder cars and you may use your gas

    more wisely.

  7. The UK blows.

  8. It is expensive for us in America.

    But I completely agree with you.  Too many people are spoiled here.  There young people asking "I live 3 miles from the movie theater, how do I get there?"



    American are so spoiled...

    Good Luck...

  9. Venezuela today gas is at 3 cents per litre they drive v8s and dont tune them up until they stop

  10. Your right. The car companies still manufactured large gas-guzzlers knowing where we were headed gas wise.  And the people bought these cars, suvs etc. If you think gas is high now, wait until China and India start using copious amounts.......We need an alternative NOW....and drilling for more oil is not the answer.

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