
So you want a pot head for VP?

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I am watching my local news in NY right now and I heard that Palin smoked pot when it was legal but she didnt like it. What a role model for all you Republicans.




  1. Yea, have you heard about Obama's drug experience???   This is a stupid question

  2. 1) It was never legal.

    2) What's the big deal if she did smoke pot?

    3) So did nearly every other politician in the running this year. Clearly you haven't seen the debates.

    p.s. i'm not trying to endore the mccain campaign.

  3. Now who is sounding desperate?

  4. Dude Obama also admitted to smoking weed.

    a lot of people in this country have smoked at least once (the70s?) and like 8-12% of Americans claim to be regular pot smokers

  5. Bif F'ing deal!  I smoke pot on occasion now and I'm a Republican.  If she did at least she did inhale!

  6. Don't preach about something you know nothing of.


  7. Yeah like Obama is a great role model because he did cocaine and smoked pot when it was illegal and bragged about it in his book.

    Your "argument" is the lamest one yet.

    Sounds like you are the one on pot.

  8. This question was a big waste of your time.  Oh well, perhaps it made you feel good to ask.


    Dude, lay down the bong for a second and think, when has pot been legal in our lifetime?

    I hear Barack does the cocaine. Do a question about that LOL

  10. She didn't like it!  Well, I smoked pot when I was young and I loved it!

  11. Puhleeeeeze.  Sounds desperate.

  12. I don't like palin or mccain either but thats a dumb argument. obama smoked pot at some point as well.  

  13. Who cares. Smoking pot even where it's illegal is almost as common as drinking coffee.

  14. Obama said he smoked pot and drinked....  

  15. A pot head VP is better than a bobble head preacher (ooops ! President).

  16. Obama partook in recreational drugs when it wasn't legal.  Next are you going to tell me that McCain's had alcohol before?  The only problem I have with recreational drug use is that it happens to currently be illegal.

  17. Uhmm.... sorry this one won't work either.  Your candidate smoked pot when it wasn't legal, did cocaine & who knows what else.  And he bragged about it.  Sorry- I've forgotten his name....

  18. Didn't Obama try cocaine when he was younger? Yeah, try again.

  19. Barry admitted to the same thing.  So if it's true, what diff does it make.  You libs are sounding pretty desperate.

  20. First, to the other people on the board, yes, pot was legal to have in small amounts in your residence in Alaska.  It indeed was legal.

    Second, I dont like her at all, she's a horrible choice.  She's done nothing for Alaska.  In fact, all that cut spending was things like for school repairs and after school stuff and such.  I guarentee it.  She's not fantastic.  She does what ever she thinks makes her look good.  She's a horrible choice, no matter what side you stand on.  Tell me there arent more qualified candidates.  

    But she's not a pot head, thats ridiculous.  You obviously have never been to Wasilla.  Alaska has some real pot heads.  But no, she's not. Though it doesnt make her any better of a choice.  

  21. NO she is on the Same Page as Bush/Cheney/Giuliani/Schwarzenegger/McCa... to send our Nation to h**l that's what you are seeing Gore off the Map, Kerry Off the Map, Now Obama off the Map, More and More Years of Ecomoical, Social and Enviormental Disasters left and Right and Americans Look at your Pocket Books and realize who is the Better Fit for the White House.

    I say Its OBAMA/BIDEN

  22. h**l I smoked pot and it wasn't legal.  I don't anymore...but I don't care if someone lights up at home.  As long as they don't get in their vehicle...they aren't hurting anyone.

  23. So what, Bush was a coke head and an alcoholic and look how well he did.  

  24. yes!

    But id never vote for McCain

    yes marijuana was legal at one time in alaska

    please delete this question if you plan to vote for obama your making democrats look stupid!

  25. You want a crackhead for a president? Wheelin' and dealin' in the streets at young adulthood doesn't look good on your presidential resume.

  26. Obama has admitted to smoking pot and snorting cocaine. In addition to being a drunk and doing crack. Read "Dreams Of My Father". He explains it in great detail.

  27. i totaally agree with u but this self centered racist republicans r just way to self absorbed to see its not about him  

  28. it's not even an issue nowadays

  29. Why not? You left wing nut jobs put one in office in '92 and '96.

  30. All of you are bunch of losers. Talk about issues that are needed and get off this stuff. This is why America is in such a mess talking like this and not doing the right thing in America.

  31. Yeah, and Obama used cocaine.  It's no big deal anymore.  Not since Bill Clinton didn't inhale.

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