
So your thoughts on kenny miller gers fans????

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should he play on saturday.will them all.i smell fear from the gers fans,can you smell the fear.r u trying to honestly tell us you are going to beat the champions of scotland.come on now




  1. i dont care who wattie plays as long as wee beat the scum

  2. Chas, I will say once more, the script is written for Miller to score.  The guys best attributes are workrate and determination, I would imagine he is very determined and will work really hard to prove a point to Peter Lawell.  But I do not expect him to start.  Velicka and Boyd, with Lafferty and Miller on the bench, to come on later and use their pace, energy and workrate to make it a doing as opposed to just a win.

    We smell a victory, the smell of fear is coming from Parkhead, mate.

  3. I hope he plays, but I doubt Smith will have the bottle and will play with 4 defenders and 6 midfield hackers.  

  4. An absolute mercanary!  

  5. Yes we are going to beat you on sunday don't think he will do much good for us against you if he plays saturday though lol

    As for fatboy Miller,well I still think he is c**p and even if he wins us the game on Sunday it will take more than one game to prove to me he deserves to play for us.I am a hard woman to please lol

  6. well i don't know what your smelling but if kenny scores on sunday i will love him nearly as much as've got a sneaky wee feeling he may just score...stranger things have happened

  7. i think kenny will score on sunday and make it 2-1 to rangers

  8. He's a k**b but i would pump him if he scores the winner on sunday

  9. they were ripping their tickets up at the thought of him and the only way he will win any hearts is to score..he hasn't managed it yet.

    but may I remind you if he does and he thumps his chest it isn't cos he loves the club it's for his son

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