
Soap to keep deer away?

by  |  earlier

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anyone every tried to keep deer out of their garden by hanging bars of soap? Does this work? Does it have to be a certain kind of soap?




  1. Yes it does work, and yes, special soap, Irish Spring.....hung it this year again....

  2. Any soap will work for this, even if you just put soap shavings around the outside.  I have also used human hair from the drain trap as well as vinegar.  The deer are afraid of the smells and will retreat since it is not natural to the environment.

    You need to see whatyour plants will be able to handle if you live in a moist climate since the soap will absorb into the soil and could potentially damage delicate plants, or affect the taste of vegetables.  

    One of your biggest hurdles with any method wil be that deer will get used to the scent and become "immune" to it, so you will have to change the smell about every 30 days.  

    You may also want to look at the ultrasonic repellers that are sold in most stores now.  You can hang them on a fence post and most run off batteries for 30-60 days.  They do a fairly good job and the deer never get used to having their eardrums throbbing.

    Hope this helps...

  3. i like deer in my garden. I pretty much refuse to eat anything that I grow myself so the deer and racoons and squirrels and bears, yes bears, are welcome to it all.

  4. look i am telling you just put salt licks around your yard away from your garden and they will go to them instead of the garden ok.

  5. I agree, Irish Spring works good.

  6. no - go to your beauty shop/barber shop and get human hair (it's free) - use gloves and spreak it lightly around the perimeter of your garden - they won't come near it!

  7. I'd bet they'd stay out if there was a bear in your garden. But that might be a little tricky, and would probably defeat the purpose.

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