
Soccer boot/cleat suggestion?

by  |  earlier

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i play striker and i want a cleat that's light but also comfortable. i was looking at the mecerurial vapor IV but people say that they take a very long time to wear in and sometimes never do. i also was looking at the legend II, laser II, and the v1.08. do yall have any info, suggestions, or advice?

PS: i have a long and kinda slim foot.




  1. Long and slim, definetly go with Vapour 4 BUT if that doesnt work, I suggest you look into these cleats in this order:

    1. F50.8 TUNITS (but F50.9s are coming out later this year and I heard that they improved a lot on it)

    2. Laser II

    3. The new Air Legends

    4. I heard that Lotto has a really cool new "striker" cleat that has like a little turning thing as one of the studs to prevent ankle injury.

    I personally play with Laser IIs only cause my foot is wide and f50.8s hurt too much.  However be warned, the heel part of the f50.8 is... eh... not so good.

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