
Soccer help? (soccer starts only) EASY 10?

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yesterday at soccer practice i was worn out, it wasnt that it was 100 degres it was that i get tired fast. so if u could plz help me i would LOVE it. i want to be a faster runner so plz plz plz help me thx 4 the help




  1. u need 2 practice more, so that u dont get so tired

  2. Buy one of those parachutes and sprint with it attached to you. Do this everyday and you'll see the difference in a matter of a couple of weeks....

  3. this is what i do i run 4mile the next day i run 1 mile and then i work on shorting or ball contrail but u can do what u wont but do a hard run then the next day the next day run a soft run and work on soccer skill or moves

    good luke

  4. build up your endurance.

    run every day or at least 3x a week for a half our.

    start by running up and down your street once or twice, then the next day add a little more.

    this will take time, but eventually you will build the endurance to run up & down the soccer field.

  5. i play soccer in texas and mexico..

    and we put weights in our legs that will make u be strong from ur legs and at the same time ur running fast when u take them off because ur use to have weights..

  6. Start Eating fruits and veggies

  7. just keep running

  8. I am Brazilian, I learned that in the soccer who has to run is the ball the player has to throw the ball well, the domain of the ball is the main, more than to be fast.

    You already observed Africans playing soccer, they run a lot are fast, but they doesn't have the domain of the ball, observe a south American player playing the ball runs but the player dominates it.

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