
Soccer injury question?

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A few days I either twisted or sprained my ankle playing soccer. Also, earlier this summer I hurt my knees. I've been going to physical therapy for my knees, but my ankle still hurts. I know it will be better in a few days, but its still feels fragile. I have soccer tryouts in about 5 days, and there is pre-training stuff that I signed up to do before tryouts. I don't want to make my knees and ankle worse before tryouts, but I also am a little tiny bit out of shape because I have been taking it easy lately this summer. Should I be doing some of this physical stuff, or should i rest until tryouts? Help! Thanks so much.




  1. i play soccer too and i broke my back in a game last season. i haven't been able to play for about five months so i know how you're feeling. but take it from someone who knows from experience, don't risk hurting yourself even worse! take your time to fully recover! rest until try-outs.

  2. Take as much time off as possible, an ankle injury is one of the worst you can suffer playing soccer. Rest up and do some light training on your own (if you have a pool then doing some stretches and work outs in there will help you strengthen your ankle without having to put pressure on it)

  3. i would say lay off and ice and heat them so that they are feeling better for tryouts because when it happened to me it was the like 2 days before the  tryouts and my ankles hurt so i put ice and heat on them and they felt better

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