
Soccer or Football Cleetes?

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I'm joining a team, since I live in the US, I have a choice between soccer or football cleetes, which would be best?

If you've never played before, please don't answer.

Thanks in advance!




  1. Soccer cleats are going to be better for kicking. Lots of backs in Canada wear soccer cleats and rugby boots are available here.

    Since you are asking this question now I'll assume that you'll be playing in the fall. In which case you are likely going to see softer/wetter fields so I'd say go for the soccer cleats, the kind that have the removable studs.

    Football cleats with the molded soles are fine (for backs) in summer (if your home field is not irrigated and therefore baked hard) but for fall & spring, I'd go with the soccer cleats.

    What ever you buy if it's not a Rugby boot, make sure that there is not a single toe stud as that would likely be ruled illeagal.

    Depending on where you live though you may be able to get Rugby boots through a specialty sports store, I'd ask your coaches. Good luck, feel free to email me if you have an questions.

  2. If you have weak ankles go football cleats, although they are heavier (so if that is an issue, go with soccer cleats).  It also depends on what kind of field you are playing on.  Grass, turf, fine gravel.  There are also hybrids which I think are called rugby cleats (I dont know if that is an option for you).  I'd suggest going to a local sporting store and just trying them on and seeing what you feel the most comfortable.  Good luck and kick some soccer butt!

  3. football cleats are made for more back and foward running.

    Soccer cleats for side to side.

    Which do you want? WHat kind of team?

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