
Soccer party!?

by  |  earlier

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tomorrow me and my friends are havin a soccer par-tay for the big ITALY vs. FRANCE! what should i get for them to eat? i want something healthy that taste good. . . . .tips?




  1. It depends. If you are going for a more far out party pasta would be a good way to celebrate those countrys. Although if you are going for a more casuwal party i would suggest: Fruit, strawberrys (with some whipped creame maybe?), tortialla chips with some avacado dip, pretzels, penut butter and jelly (mini sandwichs), salad? Hope some of these ideas will work, and have fun! =D

  2. personally i  like to eat frozen grapes they are very sweet and cool and they taste really good!! also, some veggies with healthy dips!!!

  3. Those mini sandwichs with a toothpick through them. I love those for parties.

    And of course a good mix of alcohol, juice and soda.
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