
Soccer practice preseason tmr.... PLEASE help me :(?

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I'm a freshman, and I'm really not too good at soccer. I like playing it (i played in 7th and 8th grade in school), and some of my close friends were doing it so i did it. I'm better than a few of my friends but as freshmen we are the worst of the entire team..... tmr we're deffff scrimmaging, and I don't want to look like a complete loser who doesn't know what she's doing....any tips???? please not just soccer tips, how do i fit in with upper classmen?? i'm so scared and just dreadinnggg tmr. thanks.




  1. Well first of all, do you guys have set positions yet?? Or do you have any preferences? Also, do you guys know what teams you guys are on yet??

    On the whole freshmen thing i hear ya, i am a junior, but i remember those days. Just don't act really immature, now i dont mean dont be outgoing... thats a good thing, if your different from EVERY OTHER freshmen you'll get along with upperclassmen alot easier. Also, dont walk into the school nd act like you are all bad kuz you're in high school, thats a one way ticket to a trash can :]

    Hope this helps :]

  2. Hey, so you wanna play soccer but not sure how you'll fit in huh? Well I played soccer all through high school and was the captain of my team 3 out of those 4 years. Needless to say, I've been in the "new freshman" spot you're in and I hope I've got some advice that'll help and maybe change your perspective on things. First of all, don't sweat the first day. It's exactly that, the first day of practice. If you came out looking like a pro soccer player then you'd probably BE a pro soccer player. However, as most people like us are not gods of soccer, I wouldn't worry too much if you make mistakes here and there. Heck, I came back from the off-season my junior and senior year and thought I was worse than half the team. It comes down to your dedication and practice. I didn't get selected as captain because I slacked off, but I didn't become a soccer maniac and eat, drink, and live soccer either. Just find a balance where you can alot some time each day to improving. You'll see it and everyone else will soon enough. Now, until then, we've got tomorrow to deal with. Upper classmen tip: Just be normal. They're probably not going to think you're a soccer hotshot right away. That would scare them. Instead, prove it over time. Soccer tips: If you need to brush up on your terminology or technical soccer information, search yahoo for "google basics." Other than that, you'll do just fine picking it up on the pitch. Overall, just listen to the coach and do what they ask, but have fun with your friends while you're doing it. That way the coach won't think you're always messing around and the girls won't think you're crazy. Good luck! Remember: You'll do great!

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