
Social Activites for Homeschooled Kids? PLEASE HELP!?

by Guest21394  |  earlier

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I am homeschooled, and most of the day I am bored out of my mind. I take three dance classes a week, but that just doesn't seem to be enough. Do you have any suggestions? How could I get involved in the community? After school activities? All answers are greatly appreciated! Thank you and God bless you all!




  1. im homeschooled too and the ways i keep my self entertained is i do alot of activities like go to the libary, dance classes, excersise, and all other things like that.

  2. Think about things you are interested in, and find ways to pursue that.  For instance, if you are interested in animals, volunteer at the SPCA or a veterinary clinic.  If you like science, volunteer at the science museum.  Take an art class.  See if your library has a book club.  Find things that are constructive to do that will benefit you in the long run.

    If there is a homeschool group or coop in your area, that may be a nice way for you to meet other homeschoolers.

    Here are some other ideas for homeschooling activities:

  3. You've just got to make the time and effort to get out there into your community; put yourself in the places where other people hang out and start chatting to people.

    What else goes on in your town/shire?

    What leisure activities/facilities are there?

    What community activities go on?

    If you're not sure who is doing what and where then try checking in your local paper, community website, notice boards, local library etc.

  4. The world is your oyster!

    Start a book club at your local library or Barnes and Noble... (sorry... I peaked at your other questions!).

    Start a teen game night once a month.  Do you like any board games? Monopoly, scrabble, Cranium, whatever?

    Start a bowling league... easy to do and you will get a little exercise too.

  5. I would join 4-H or get involved in a church youth group.  Volunteer at museums or animal shelters.  Have parties with your friends.  Join a homeschool group.  There are endless possibilities you just have to go for them, don't wait for them to come to you.

  6. You can take all the classes and attend all the clinics and volunteer all you want, but to build interpersonal relationships similar to those that form at conventional schools, you need to achieve the same balance between interaction and isolation that occur in those schools. This is perhaps one of the most difficult problems to overcome for children who have been home schooled without sufficient interaction since early childhood. Many can develop poor social skills and find relating to others difficult. Your problem, though, does not seem to be at all extreme. My suggestions are that you do not visit locations that, for most kids, require predefined social groups to visit (e.g. the movies or restaurants), but instead visit more public, open spaces such as malls or parks, or any that meet these requirements and also serve to meet your interests. At these places, one can feel reasonably comfortable approaching others. There you will find the highest chance of encountering individuals with similar interests. Thus increasing the opportunity of developing longer lasting, more stable friendships.

  7. in our area, homeschooled children are allowed to join the local school activities available to regular school kids.. see if yours does..

    join a local homeschool group. Ours offered daily activities at other homeschoolers homes, had weekly gatherings, weekly field trips, free group tutoring, and much more..

    my children made many friends with the later and it seemed to be enough for them...

    good luck in your homeschooling, even though sometimes it can seem boring, in the long run you will be glad you put up with it :-)

  8. It depends on your age, what activities are you allowed to participate in and the offerings in your area.

    I suggest you check at the local library, local newspapers and schools to see if there are advertisement of these:

    * Volunteer for the environment

    * Volunteer for pet/animal rescue and/or care

    * Volunteer for old/disabled/sick people

    * Volunteer for children sport and activities groups

    * Volunteer at the local library (reading to toddlers and kindergarteners, checking in/ou books, bringing books to disabled people, etc.)

    * Volunteer at some museum

    * Swimming classes

    * Tennis classes

    * A foreign language classes

    *  Fotography classes

    * Craft classes

    * Cooking classes

    * Painting classes

    * Fitness classes

    The list may be longer, but as I said before, all depends on your age, your interests, your budget and what your community has to offer.

    Volunteering is a good way to test yourself and see if that area interest you, you also gain experience and may get a job later in that field. It is also a good way to push boredom away, do something good for others and make new friends.

    Good luck

  9. i home school i play in sandbox sandbox fun

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