
Social Graces...?

by Guest61093  |  earlier

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What are "Social Graces"?

or What is the meaning?




  1. Respect for age and position. Proper protocol in presence of seniors, other gender. Etiquette at the table in how you hold and use utensils. Don't be a shoveler by cutting up everything at once and stuffing it in your mouth. It is basically rules of decency and respect along with some definite taboos.

  2. People like to get along with other people. All your life you will be influenced by others, and in turn you will influence them. In order to set some standard for behavior, society has created what we call "etiquette".  Webster's New World Dictionary defines etiquette as "the forms, manners, and ceremonies established by convention as acceptable or required by society, in a profession or in official life." This section is to help you to learn how to follow the rules of etiquette. Also it should help you to learn to reason and become adaptable enough to make a few of your own rules for those inevitable social occasions that have no definite plan. Thus we might also consider etiquette as the ability to reason and do the right thing at the right time. If you can do this, you will have social grace.

  3. manners and etiquette.  How you conduct yourself in the presence of others.  Ironic in a day and age where so many no longer have manners or etiquette that a person wouldn't even know the term for it.
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