
Social Identity?

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I have some questions on my homework. I hope some people will answer in COMPLETE sentences with examples (can be personal examples). I just want to know how to answer these questions. I will not copy those answers. Thanks!

1) Your own ethnicity and family ancestry and how you have come to learn about it. Include identifying your socio-economic class background, gender, and any values you hold associated with either.

3) What meaning/significance does your ethnic identity and socioeconomic background have for you? What importance does your ethnicity and class hold for you today? What do you love about your ethnicity and what is a problem for you?




  1. Ok, it sounds like you need to answer the question, "Who am I?" This assignment is asking you to answer this larger question and how your social location (who you are) impacts your life. So first discuss your ethnicity (Jewish American, Polish American) and how you know about your ethnicity. Most Americans have a hard time describing their ethnicity because the U.S. is a immigration country. I think it is ok to say this if you are confused or unsure about this.  Most Americans speculate what their ethnicity really is, so it may be inaccurate.

    You also need to talk about your social class (working poor, middle class, upper class), education level (may want to discuss parents too) and your s*x.  Values are things you are often taught at home and school (delay immediate gratification is a middle class value).

    Finally discuss how all of these things affect your life. How do they privilege you? Do you have biases as a result of your social location? (The answer to this should be yes because we all have biases).  An example of bias could be hating poor people if you are rich.  Ever you felt discriminated against because of your social identity?  

    I hope this helps.

  2. What is it you don't understand about these questions?

    First, realize they are about YOU (not other people).

    So, where did your ancesters come from? Start there. How do you know this. What, if any, meaning or values has that background given you?

    Is your family rich, poor, middle?

    Do you identify with your ancestors' place of birth, or the origin of some of your ancestors? If so, what meaning does this have to you?

    What are the good things and bad things about all this, for YOU?
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