
Social Inequality?

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Social scientists have argued that there are substantial links between social inequality, ill health, and death. Discuss the connection between social inequality (classism, racism, sexism, homophobia) ill health, and mortality rates.




  1. Because of classism, people on the bottom of the social ladder~lower class, poor class~have less access to good health care and the healthier foods cost more also. Therefore even if people didn't go to the doctor, they still can't take care of themselves.

    When looking at racism and feminism, unwed mothers tend to be more poor than divorced mothers because they are young and have less education. When the unwed mother is a black woman or girl since she is young, black women have the highest rate of birth fatality and the mother has a high rate of mortality.

  2. Listen I was born on a reservation and was adopted out as a child. Treated like a dog as a child and had no help financially. I own 2 homes and raised my family by no crying and working and saving. To rely on the Government NO you rely on the Government.

  3. People in ill health, whether physical, psychological or spiritual, can be a burden on a social system. This system could be a family, a school, a town (as in the town drunk) or society at large.  They may consume resources, more than their "fair share" and be seen as unable to "give back". This is particularly true of prisoners, in my mind.  In the "right" circumstances, the overuse of resources, including emotional and financial support from others may lead to the "helpers" withdrawing their support. The "ill" person may then spiral deeper into "ill" health and die.
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