
Social Insurance Number..

by  |  earlier

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so i have a job interview and you have to be a minimum age of 16 for it.. is it possible i could *lie* :( and say im 16 when im actually 15? Like would they be able to find out from my social insurance number my age and birthday? thankss!!




  1. They probably would not find out from your social security number. But I'm guessing they will require you prove your age (say with a birth certificate or work permit). They are allowed to do that if you have to be a minimum age for work.

  2. Don't you mean your social security number?  There is no such thing as a social insurance number.  

  3. yes

    please do not lie, you will never be trusted if you start out not being truthful.

  4. Sometimes people lie.  Sometimes the employer finds out.

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