
Social Security Benefits Question?

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I am currently 17 years old and am receiving Social Security benefits due to my father dying two years ago. I was previously informed that I would be receiving these benefits until I turn 21 years old as long as I was attending college. I am now a full time student.

A few months ago, I was told that my benefits will be cut off when I turn 18, when I was told otherwise by another Social Security representative. My question is, which one is true?




  1. Your payments are probably over the limit that your father would have received, so they stopped them. Just go on with your life and don't worry about SS. You are young enough to realize that you may never see SS upon your retirement, so work you butt over, save and invest wisely.

  2. Who knows what is true but go to and get a phone number and call them. Or they will tell you where the nearest office is and you can make an appointment to go in and talk. Dont just show up since youll wait too long.  

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