
Social Services...Social Security?

by  |  earlier

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are these government bodies not required to uphold our immigration laws?

Illegal immigrants come to them for money food stamps insurance free rides to doctors appointments housing and every other handout they can get and do get.

Surely the caseworkers who process them know they are illegal

why don't they have a duty to inform the proper authorities?

why do they instead enable them to sit here and leach off of everyone else??




  1. caseworkers are not having care towards society.

    they r just doing their jobs without any responsibility.

    they r thinking about themselves , they getting money , that's all, they won't find it is legal or illegal.The government is just depending on officers , n they don't have even to check the officer's whether the work done is legal or illegal.

    caseworkers are just following their highofficer's who are corruptionists.

  2. case worker jobs depend on cases

    they will happily advise on how the rules can be gotton around

    advise on what diagnoses to seek to increase payments

    the caseworkers are "welfare" dependent as much as the non-working cases

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