
Social Skills Help Needed!! Plz answer!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so whenever i am speaking to someone....not a friend

pretend like a doctor, dance teacher, or cashier......should i look straight into their eyes when i talk??

i do that sometimes but it seems kinda awkward?

is it normal to do that??

or should i look somewhere else?? seems like i always seem to be looking at a person and they will glance back,see me..and look away

i feel so embarrased when i do that

it is not on purpose too!!!

is there a way i can get rid of this bad habit???




  1. dude i used to do the same exact thing. when it comes to like a cashier or doctor or someone, you should give them occasional eye contact. look at them when they speak and look back and forth from the focus object and the person. just don't look like a maniac doing so lol. know your timing.

    and as far accidentally staring (lol) i started just looking either straight ahead or if i was day dreaming, i would look somewhere where there aren't people around.

    hope it helps.

  2. It is good to look people in the eyes when you speak to them but, looking into them for too long can be awkward.  

  3. Do not think TOO MUCH, just RELAX. The more focus and think about THIS, the more you will have hard time having conversation.  

  4. You should make direct eye contact when speaking to others, especially in job interviews.

  5. Intense, non-blinking or occasionally-glancing-away eye contact is perceived as fairly aggressive and intimidating.  As much as you would eye contact someone else when you aren't thinking about it is about as much as is appropriate

  6. Well you should look them directly in the eyes it show confidence and its totally normal.  

  7. Be confident and relax. They are just people just like you.

  8. look at the area between their eyes, it gives a polite, interested "soft eye contact" without appearing like you're giving a glaring stare.

  9. Its polite not to stare, so we look away, because we don't want to be rude peeps.

    Its a culture clash. I was raised not to look people in the eyes unless it was something very important, as it was said to be rude to do so.  

  10. Do the best you can

  11. You should always look someone no matter who they are right in the eyes. It shows respect,interest, and all around confidence in yourself.

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