
Social Studies teaching employment?

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I'll soon be graduating with a BEd in secondary education with a concentration. There seems to be a glut of social studies teachers on the marker. What would be the best way to make myself competitive (courses, etc). It seems a lot of position want someone who can teach math/chemistry or some other courses along with social studies and though I could teach those courses, I don't have the qualifications to compete.




  1. Three parts:  

    1.  Since the NCLB legislation went into effect, the federal government said schools can report you as "highly qualified" if you pass a standardized test (such as Praxis II) in a subject area.  The federal government doesn't actually care if you have any education background - long story involved and various groups with their own agenda.  States are the ones who require you to be certified and care if you actually know what you are doing.  In a compromise, some states have started allowing teachers to add a second teaching field on top of an existing certificate simply by passing the appropriate Praxis II type test. They don't check if you had the required coursework, subject area pedagogy, or student teaching in that field.   The states don't really advertise it and I don't know what state you live in, but it is worth checking into if there is a second subject area you think you know well enough to teach and pass the test.  

    2.  Make yourself stand out.  Participate in some unique experiences to make your resume unique.  Volunteer at history related events, re-enact, learn something special, ..

    3.  Consider relocating.  Social Studies is usually the most competitive field with the fewest vacancies but some regions are better than others.  Ask in your college's career placement office.  There is a booklet published each year showing what the job market is in each state broken down by certification area.  

    Good luck.

  2. with your certifacation, you could apply in the subject area of, geography, social studies, land management, border, and imagrations territorial  law. any think, with land , in the world geography, land boundaries, in the oil bearing counties. this cert. is and open arena, especially in the 3rd world countries.

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