
Social anxiety/nervous diarrhea first day of school tomorrow....?

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Tomorrow is the first day of school, I'm suppose to be a senior but i was home schooled for 2 years because i have extreme nervous diarrhea plus social anxiety [the social anxiety is MUCH better then it use to be].

but anyways I'm so nervous about tomorrow, like so nervous i want to cry, my doctor wrote me a note to give to all my teachers saying to let me use the restroom when i need and that should make me less nervous but it doesn't...

I don't know i guess i just need some support from people who have social anxiety and nervous diarrhea.




  1. LOOK,it will be ok, i am very shy with ibs, i dreaded school, especially after the holidays, i even remember at primary school  aged like 6 being scared and worried about the big school. looking bACK IT WAS SCARY YES, but only bcoz you dont knw what to expect, just think,. this time tomorrow your first day wil be over and youl be tucked up in bed. i wish i was back at school, flirting , checking out s**y guys...have fun you will be totally great, just be yourself and maybe u shudnt mention you have nervous diarrheA . good luck , you will feel silly at the end of the week for worrying so much about it

  2. look, my sister has anxiety disorder, too. you should ask your doctor for some medication next time you see him, that works for her. you deserve a normal life, and sometimes the only thing that works is a treatment plan.

    for now, though, take some deep breaths. i get anxious too. remember, there is no use worrying over something you can't control. keep telling yourself you'll be fine tomorrow. remind yourself that hundreds of others have gone to school and you can, too. other people are worried. you are not alone.

    try not to think to much about tomorrow. think about your summer. think about anything. on the way to school, think of what books you've read, or about something funny--anything but school. half the anxiety of going to school is the before-hand worrying.

    once you're there, just keep breathing. relax. smile. focus on the teacher and lesson, not those around you. your priority should be to do well in school.

    i really hope this helps, even a little. i just want you to know that i understand what you're going through. anxiety runs in my family. i have seen my sister and father suffer. you are NOT alone. senior year will be fun, trust me.

    good luck!!! i truly wish the best for you.  

  3. I suffer from social anxiety, but not the diarrhea. First days of school were always awful for me, specially the day before, since sometimes I could end up throwing up dinner and with insomnia. I still have problems meting new people, I'm 22 yrs old and about to graduate from business school, of course living like this isn't the best for someone who is supposed to be "mature"; right now I'm going to therapy to see if it can help me with some of my problems, I assume your problem is more serious than mine, but I would advice you get some help to try to adapt more easily to social situations. I wish you the best luck

  4. imodium takes nervous tum away and has no side effects

  5. awwww, you will be ok.

    For nervous diarrhea. If you think you will definitely have diarrhea then take imodium. Also tums will help settle your stomach if you are getting worked up or nervous.

    When you get to go to the bathroom and take a break. Do deep breaths and say to yourself "I will get through this." Also sometimes running cool water on your hands might help calm you down.

    Maybe plan a "treat" for yourself for the end of the day. Like after the first day of school I will get a pedicure or buy myself a shirt I have really wanted.

    Also, if you can. Try to find another person in your classes that seems quiet. They are probably just as nervous as you.  

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