
Social class influences eduction and haelth care, which one is more important and why?

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Social class influences eduction and haelth care, which one is more important and why?




  1. ur question make no sense

  2. they are both very important,but i would have to go with health one should have to go without decent health care in a country that claims to be the greatest country on the planet.

  3. Your background is going to influence the course of your life, without a doubt. If you are ill nourished your abilities aren´t going to develop, etc. If you lack proper medical attention you are going to suffer. Ok, you agree in that I see. But I prefer to think the real and ultimate potential of mankind is not his intellectual achievments or his health, but his spiritual capacity. The highest technology won´t save mankind from its downfall if we lose the spirituality. If you see an animal or a forest and you don´t relate to it, sorry, nothing will help you. If you are healthy, rich and educated but don´t feel other people's suffering as something of your own, you gain the world but lose your soul. Now, it is not our souls at stake but the very own survival of our planet. The suffering in Asia or the misfortune of South Americans is our own concern, don´t you think? That is mankind's best achievement.

  4. that's not a question. You said 'social class influences education and health care' that is a statement. 'which one is more important' You only stated "Social Class" so that makes no sense.

  5. I think health care is more important than education.  If you are sick or undernourished due to your social class you are not going to be able to learn.  Survival comes first.  Once your basic needs of food, shelter and health are met you can begin to focus your energy on learning.  That's part of the reason lower income students don't do well in school.  It's also part of the reason why some parents don't focus on their child's education.  They are too busy making sure their child has food, shelter, medicine, etc. to insist on good study skills.

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