
Social graces of the family in public places,like church,movies,theater.?

by  |  earlier

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please help me about this matter because this my project in personality development a research paper...i really need it badly...thank you.




  1. we must be observant what people are doing,


    -if we are not familiar with the food..... first we must keep our eyes open so that we can observe how the food eaten in right way.

    -if you are a boy you should pull the chair for the girls.


    -we should participate what  people are doing for ex: singing, answering or reply

    -all gadgets shoul be turn off, so that ther will no unnesessary movements inside the church.


    -we should learn how to listen and watch what the characters are doing.

    -do not fall asleep at the middle of the movie.


  2. You mean like families with  children? Like training your child (or husband/wife)  to sit still, talk quietly or not at all, how to dress and groom appropriately and be polite with other people? Sadly something very much lacking these days!

  3. people should be quiet in those places

  4. Families in public places are not to talk in a loud manner (like most families do at home). They are to call each other by first name (or a term for endearment). l hear siblings in grocery calling each other "get me those chips b--ch" and sometimes "you will pay for that stupid".

    They are not to discuss their family problems where everyone can hear.  They have to observe good table manners when dining out. There are families who go to the salad bar and take "everything".

    Fights should be avoided. lf the youngsters are causing a scene, they have to be taken elsewhere and be reprimanded by the parents in private.

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