
Social life these days....?

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Does anyone else think that social life is being dominated by cell phones/ facebook/ myspace? I look at Yahoo answers and I sometimes see these sob stories about: "My boyfriend didn't tell me his MySpace. HE'S CHEATING ON ME!" What do you guys think about this?




  1. I agree. You walk down the street and here are these kids just standing around texting each other when they are two feet away from each other.

    I, personally find social networking sites such as facebook and myspace a bad thing for many people, especially teenagers. It can lead to all sorts of trouble such as bullying and living your life on the internet, gives you no social skills. You can't express your emotions very well if you're walking around going "LOL" all the time.


  2. One day we will look back at MySpace and say "what were we thinking?". Oh was that day. It's pathetic actually.

  3. hey sorry to bug you, but you just answered my question about my promise to god.

    can you email me?

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