I'm a 17 year old senior.
This will be my last year in High school.Today the first day of school went alright.For the past 5 years or so I've been suffering from feeling so uncomfortable in social situations.Due to this I have lacked from meeting new people,being in a relationship and mainly speaking in public.Last year for my Junior Year I had to do a presentation,and I had a very shaky voice and I was shaking terribly.I felt so bad,this depresses me so bad.So year after year I've been telling my self I'll improve this,cause all my close friends know how entertaining and funny I am,but others fails to notice this due to my quietness and shyness.
Today,our English teacher assigned us to do this presentation on Friday and I feel like I'm going to fail at feeling comfortable and begin to shake and get nervous.I don't know what this is,it can be a verbal thing but then again I get real uncomfortable in large groups,and even in class when the teacher asks a question and i have the correct answer i just stay shut.I speak softly and low with others,but im loud and outgoing with certain people.What should I do?
This is my last year I want to enjoy it being myself,especially since I'm going to be entering college.Can this be because I spend most of my time in my room? I'm not a loner,I just can't handle public situations like speeches in front of the class..and i have one coming up.I just feel so down..
This has kept me away from doing things i love..