
Social problems?

by  |  earlier

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i have to write a paper on a social problem. i want something interesting not the normal drugs, racism, poverty, or crime, just because i know that other students will pick that.... so far i came to two problems

1. pollution

2. greed and laziness...

if you guys have any ideas that would be great thanks




  1. I don't know if this will count but you could do the Social Stigma of Psychological Abnormality. I don't know what level you have to do this to (E.g GCSE etc) but you could plan a simple questionnaire asking thing's like "What do you think of the Mentally Ill" and "Would you sit next to a Mentally Ill person on a buss" Although thees question's will have demand characteristic's.

    I've looked into this and my Friend is doing it for her Psychology Coursework I don't know if that's too deep or even if you're teacher will allow it but It's a really interesting piece of research. I could also help you if you want, just reply on here if you would like some help.

  2. Pick the topic which interests or concerns you most.  Pick a topic you know you can tackle.  Once you start doing your research, you will find it is much more enjoyable (or at least bearable) if you really care about it.  Passionate papers get A's.

  3. You could try greed in the commodity markets.  That is partly to blame for the rising cost of energy and food.  Or maybe you'll find that it is mostly to blame.  Anyways, the greed and arrogance of the rich is one of my major economic concerns.

  4. I do have some ideas:

        1. Moral declination.

        2. Obsession with technology.

        3. Pornography.

        4. Obsession with meaningless s*x (not making love, in other words).


        Thanks for asking. :)

  5. Try researching how our emphasis on corporate profits to the benefit of top management and shareholders has screwed the average worker.  How the US has lost millions of jobs that will never be recovered because we allow cheaper imports. And how Americans spend like there's no tomorrow, racking up huge debt, filing for bankruptcy and starting the cycle all over again.  How no-one in this country knows how to balance a budget, starting with the state of California, including the federal govt (which is spending way too much on war and interest payments).  We should all be ashamed of the way this country is run.
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