
Social security check

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Should I get social security checks? I am 15, my mom died when i was 10, I know a couple people who have had a parent die and they get the check directly, but my dad keeps it and never pays for anything for me, is there a way I should get the checks?




  1. I'm sorry about your mom, you must miss her.  I can't believe your dad never pays for anything for you.  What about food, clothes, a roof over your head, the computer and Internet you are using at this moment, etc?

  2. No, that check is not yours.  It comes in your father's name and helps offset the additional expenses or loss of income due to your mother's death.  Your father uses it to put a roof over your head, food on the table, and clothes on your back.

    When you turn 18 and if you continue in school, you might get those checks in your name.  But not before then.

  3. Omg i cant believe this,, but i can your a big 15!! As long as u live with your father or anyone else as a minor you will never get that money in your hands!  That money is used to take care of you and do exactly what he's doing with it! Just becasue your not getting everything u want you think your father owes u!,, ohh i feel so sorry for you! And i would bet u have a cell phone too along with a roof over your head, food in your mouth, cloths on your back, and yes a computer to play on! All these things cost money like your insurance, Gas to run u around soap and everything u see in your house is a necessary to take care of you! ohh here i got good news for you, if your dad passes away then it all becomes yours when u turn of age, nice of u to complain

    i promise u one thing, You'll walk in his shoes one day!

  4. A representative payee is a person or organization appointed by SSA to receive benefits on behalf of someone who cannot manage his/her money because of their youth or mental or physical impairment.  This includes a parent who is receiving benefits on behalf of his/her own minor child.

    The main responsibilities of a representative payee are to use the benefits to pay for the current and future needs of the beneficiary, properly save any unspent funds and report any changes that may affect the beneficiary's entitlement to benefits. The representative payee also is required to file an annual report with SSA that details how the benefits were used.  

    You can notify SS that you question the way your funds are being spent.  Just contact them and make sure your father is reporting what he is supposed to.

    Hope this answers your question.

  5. Are you sure you know they get checks themselves?  Other minors?  As in, have you seen the check?  Any money social security would give out to a minor would be addressed to the minor's legal gaurdian.  But, not everyone gets checks just because someone dies.  Are you sure that your dad is even getting public benefits?

    Beyond that....   wont pay for a cell phone?  Perhaps if you asked for an inexpensive prepaid phone, instead of bells and whistles, there may be a chance.

    But, in the long scheme of things, being a single parent family, did you ever stop to consider that there just physically isnt enough money for you to have a cell?

  6. well if he is not paying anything take him to court and sue for child support!!!
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