
Social situation: How would you respond to this joke?

by Guest64585  |  earlier

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[This question is mainly directed at males, but females can answer and twist the words and situation appropriate to them.]

You're with a group of friends, all laughing and joking, and then suddenly, you're the subject of the joking.

For example, the topic of conversation turns to something considered masculine and then something is said to be "for a real man" by someone. Then one of your friends says your name and the group dissolve into laughter at you?

How would YOU respond to that?

~ Embrace the joke and laugh?

~ Pretend you find it funny but hurt a bit inside?

~ Make a sharp, witty response to deflect the laughter? (Such as?)

~ Quickly make a joke about someone else to take it off you?

~ Storm off in a big huff and moan at your friend later for being so insensitive?

I'm interested to hear!

The best retort will win the 10 points!

Good luck,

Simon :)




  1. I would say to 'the joker': "Why don't you and I drop our trousers, and see, who's got the biggest willie of them all" (Just as 'Hooray Henry' said to "Tony Blake" in "the Stud.")

  2. Jokes like that can been upsetting, but you cannot show that.

    By making a non- or narrowly-related joke about someone else would show that you were hurt.

    I've hear Nehkbet's answer before, and that's probably the best one.

    Alternatively, doing a hyper-camp impression of Kenneth Williams, Frankie Howard, Julian Clary or Dale Winton would show that it's just water off a duck's back, even if it's not really.



  3. Look the joker in the eye and say "gee, you told me I was a real man last night"

  4. hm...i was for sure that you said i was a real man last night while you were taking it in the ***, crying. you were the one that said u werent man enough for me right? =] something among those lines.

  5. I'd probably hit him.

  6. This is when the your mum jokes cant be changed!

    Well your Dad thought I was man enought to pound his A*rse last night and the night before as well

  7. f**t it off.

  8. I see you are talking about yourself again, don't you ever give up. Then you laugh.

  9. laugh and then say wat doesnt make a real man then say their name and watch them all laugh at him

  10. I slept with your wife. (seinfeld reference) No, but seriously I could give you a real zinger but I'd have to know more info.

  11. this is what a few of my friends would joke about, i dont act particulary g*y, and im bi...not g*y, and i dont try and hide it......but they constantly make jokes and c**p and i said its funny up to a certain point, but they kept going on, so i told them to go get ******, and i started to hang out with me other friends, its a joke....but only up to where you want it o be, deep deep down its does p**s you off and can hurt

  12. id kinda do a half smile but theyd be able to tell i was hurt about it.

  13. I'm going to assume that you're g*y and that your friends know you're g*y. You don't make that clear.

    If my assumptions are right, use a line that I use but didn't originate. Look right at the b******e who made the crack. I mean RIGHT in his eyes. Smile a bit and say: "I'm twice the man you'll ever be and more woman than you'll ever have!"

    Always works for me.

    But careful: Sometimes a joke is just a joke, not an insult. Think it through first.

    Hope this was helpful.

  14. I'm a girl.

    But if that was me, I would most probably act confused and make a confused face, as if I don't have a clue what they're talking about.

    I don't know why, but I always do that, in such situations.

    Of course, on the inside I would be hurt.

    Sometimes I would even pretend I find it funny.

  15. I'd say....

    "Well FU lot.  I'm off to live with my 34 year old Civil Servant boyfriend in Shropshire"

    Or resort to what Nehkbet said

    Or get nasty:-

    "Yes {insert male friend's name}, but at least I can keep an erection"

  16. I would be offended - they're obviously taking the p*ss!  and I'd have to respond with a cutting comment about the joker to put them in their place.

  17. That's happened to me, but it's always been a woman who said it and mostly women who think it's funny. As a man, any way I react to it and I'd be wrong. Once though, I did ask this woman who is always doing this to others if her middle name was Payback. She looked at me as if she didn't understand, so I furthered the point by saying, "And you know what they say about Payback" as I exited the room.

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