
Social studies help!? homework on star testing urgggggh?

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Ok so in social studies, our "wonderful" teacher decided to give us homework on star testing!

Here are the questions on a DOG worksheet (the 32 one we have fiiled out!)

1) Belmopan is the capital of what Central American country?

2) Which is farthest north: Atlanta, San Diego, or El Paso?

3) What is the capital of the island country just south of Cuba?

4) Is the Kalahari Desert north or south of the Equator?

5) What direction does the Chang Jiang (Yangtze) River flow in China?

6) What is the capital pf the nation whose northern border is Lebanon?

7) The Ganges River flows into what bay?

8) What four of the Great Lakes border Michigan?

Thanx to the people who give helpful answers

and if u arent goin 2....dont waste ur time

oooo and corey if u see this....ur welcome again :)




  1. You know, you could just search these things up on google?

    #2 is Atlanta

    #4, I found this website, see if you can find anything..

    #8, Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and Lake Erie

    Hope I helped!

  2. 4) it is south

    7) the Bay of Bengal

    8)Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and Lake Erie

    1) Belize

    2) Atlanta

    6) Jerusalem in Israel

    3)Kingston in Jamaica?

  3. All you have to do is look on a map of the world, plus adding little comments about replying to your question isn't going to endear you with most people. If you are too lazy to at least try to help yourself , you shouldn't expect other people to do your homework for you. Shame on you all that have answered this question.

  4. 1 Belize

    2 I have to say Atlanta

    3 If you mean Jamaica, it is Kingston.

    4 South

    5 East

    6 If you mean Israel, it is Jerusalem.

    7 Bay of Bengal

    8 Superior, Michigan, Huron, Eire

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