
Socialism always looked good?

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When that one percent of the population that owns ninety percent of the wealth gets into trouble, who do they call?

The fellow wealthiest.

Nothing is too big for them. If a Chrysler Corporation goes under, they bail it out. If they plummet a bank, they buy it back while giving the CEO five-hundred thousand dollars as a good parting gift.

When f***y Mae and Freddie Mac went bankrupt, "the one percent" comes to the rescue, while passing laws to make it harder for people who practice capitalism to seek protection from creditors.

They take care of each other. They take care of their own. And all this time they have been practicing socialism they have been getting richer and richer and richer and richer. Socialism always looked good to them.'s capitalism for everybody else.




  1. Just because it looks good does not mean its good 4 u.  Will socialism stimulate the economy with todays deficit?  Probably not in todays market.  Unlike the recession when we had no deficit with a foreign entity.

  2. Chrysler Corporation got a loan from the government and they paid it back within 2 years. No other corporation had ever done that before.

    Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac allow many people to get there first home.That builds wealth among consumers.

  3. High Five!

    I think Im going to call you mom from now on. It being your name and all.

  4. I'm not sure what point, if any, you are attempting to make.  

  5. Of course, because it is good.  In a lot of area's the for profit motive does not lead to the best results. When it benefits the whole society it's nothing but pure logic to organize products and or services together. Socialism is not about "big government", it's about people working together and understanding people should not serve the system but the system should serve us.

    In the United States, far-Right Republicans and Democratic liberals alike have sold many people on the notion that the market should be the main force to drive the economy and define social relationships. They maintain that government should stay off people's backs and out of our wallets. They promote rugged individualism and consumerism couched in terms like "personal responsibility," "freedom" and "independence." "Greed is good!" was the mantra of Michael Douglas' character, Gordon Gecko, in the 1980s movie "Wall Street," and those became the words to live by in the '80s and '90s. The philosophy and value of greed was taken to heart by many a corporate CEO, and, over the past three decades, this twisted logic -- underlined by the values of individualism and the culture of consumerism -- has turned back the clock on human development with devastating consequences.

    In terms of the human development index, the United States has fallen from second place in 1990 (behind Canada) to 12th place. This decline continued through both the Clinton and Bush administrations, with the US falling to sixth in 1995, ninth in 2000, and 12th in 2005.

    In certain respects, the decline is even worse. The US is 34th in infant mortality—with a level comparable to Croatia, Estonia, Poland and Cuba. US school children perform significantly below their counterparts in countries like Canada, France, Germany and Japan, and 14 percent of the population, some 40 million people, lack basic literacy and number skills.

    Of the world’s 30 richest nations, which comprise the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United States has the highest proportion of children living in poverty, 15 percent, and the most people in prison, both in absolute numbers and as a percentage of the whole population. With five percent of the world’s population, the US has 24 percent of the world’s prisoners.

    The report notes: “Social mobility is now less fluid in the United States than in other affluent nations. Indeed, a poor child born in Germany, France, Canada or one of the Nordic countries has a better chance to join the middle class in adulthood than an American child born into similar circumstances.”

    In overall life expectancy, the United States ranks an astonishing 42nd, behind not only Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and all the countries of Western Europe, but also Israel, Greece, Singapore, Costa Rica and South Korea. The US spends twice as much money per capita on health care as any of these countries, but its citizens live shorter lives.

  6. And your question is??????????????

    BTW, $500,000 for a CEO golden parachute is a real chuckle.  That much money wouldn't pay the taxes on even a modest severance package.

    And one more thing, who do you think pays the taxes?  The top 5% pay well over half of all taxes.  That is as you understand taxes.  Of course your understanding is so for from actuality that they can't even see each other.  The final consumer pays ALL taxes, 100%.  I don't pay taxes, my customers do!!!  You don't pay taxes, your boss does and he gets it from his customers.

    All but the final consumer simply pass their tax burden along.  The only time you pay tax is when you buy something and consume it.  If you buy it for resale, guess what, the customer will pay the freight.

  7. Just as high up politicians do. Bush was able to stop some people from going to jail when they leaked the identity of a cia agent, committing treason of the highest caliber. People in important positions feel like they are better than average americans.

  8. Hi You are not seeing the big picture.The baling out is done with your tax dollars my friend.These wealthy people do not use there own money,it is always someone else`s money they use or lose.They even bail out Wall Street with your money.The American taxpayer sits there and say`s ok. How about the Capitalist company`s using Communist labor to make money,under the guise Americans will pay cheaper price`s on goods.Not to mention all those job`s being lost in America to cheaper labor.

  9. I agree with you 100%.  But where is the question?

  10. You may be the only one who noticed that.

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