
Socially rejected. What do I do?

by Guest34265  |  earlier

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At my school, (which i have been in since January) I have absolutely no friends. I try to be nice to people, but obviously that has gotten me nowhere. I don't see what I've done to deserve this. Please, what do I do?




  1. Can you talk to a family member of teacher or counselor?  There are many who feel like you and some of them are actually running in groups.  If you are comfortable getting involved in something in your school that's an option where people would get to know you  and you'd have the club, etc. in common.  You could also get involved in something outside the school.  Alot of lonely people in nursing homes. Focus on your future and stay friendly.  I moved alot growing up and often felt like an outcast..still do but others say it's in my be aware that your mental process has alot to do with it.  Stay friendly and get involved. Good luck.

  2. try joining a club or sport, i know that i became great friends with everyone of my debate partners, also i am good friends with people i swim, run, and bike with

  3. First of all we should win over ourselves. This is the first condition. If you feel that you are rejected. Your assessment is wrong.

    Friends and foes are made based on our dealings with them.

    You please analyze the reason why you are being rejected. Has it got anything to do with your caste, creed, nationality, gender, colour? If it is so, never bother. Are they distancing you because of some 'negatives' observed in you?  If you have any negative tendency, change that.

    Please know your weaknesses, shortcomings, drawbacks or defects. Be positive. Don't entertain any negative feelings. Never mind if you have to pass through bad periods in life. Once you become a centre of attraction, everybody will flock towards you.

    Improve your personality, by your behavioural attitude and good habits.

  4. You might be soulmates with this girl who seems to be going through a similar situation,  it was just a couple questions just after yours in the Y!  questions list

    People can be cold and uncaring, but don't become like them.  You will find wonderful friends with time.  Don't worry !  Look forward to the future !

  5. start being a total ***!! people will notice youa dn stop messing with you. poeple live to walk on the nice guys. sorry dude

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