
Socialogical themes in batman?

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What are some themes i can analyze the new batman film around? For example masculinity, and can you briefly how the theme is relevant?




  1. not having seen the movie, some general themes:

    perception of good/evid in society

    attitude towards manifested good/evil

    anything that deals with group action, reaction, common behaviour, spontaneous behaviour of crowds...

    however, it's fiction,'s like analyzing the math in paint-by-numbers. there is no natural order there, no phenomenon actually taking place in order to cause a real response

  2. Honestly, restaurant scene aside, there were very few scenes that seemed relevant to masculinity.

  3. Well first I'd like to say The Dark Knight is one of the greatest films I've seen in a very long time.

    Second, there are so many underlining elements and themes surrounding the plot its almost impossible to catch them all.

    I will however point out the theme of National Privacy.

    When Batman constructed that amplified sonar device it is strangely similar to the threat we as Americans face today.

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