
Societys standards for women/girls and their effects?

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I was wondering if this is more of a cause and effect thing.

Anyways, women have many standards set by society.

However I can only think of a few examples of this. Can anyone else think of any?

This is all I have:

1. Women (because of the barbie doll era, advertizing, etc.) are expected to try and be beautiful, to have the perfect body and whatnot. This would cause stress and the need to be perfect and possibly depression in those who cant be perfect.

2. Women are often expected to stay at home to watch kids, which in turn causes a lower education but closer relationship with children.




  1. Women have always had an absorbing interest in beautifying themselves, this did not start with the Barbie doll era.  Women were using makeup as far back as ancient Egypt.  I doubt that women would be any less obsessed with their looks nowadays whether we had Barbies or not.  Most women are very vain and totally obsessed with their appearance, and I think this would still be the case no matter what society thought.

    And as for women being expected to stay at home and watch kids, I don't think this is what society expects at all, certainly not western society.  What society nowadays seems to expect is that all women will be out at work, leaving their kids to be watched by someone else (apparently it's okay to watch kids so long as you are watching someone else's rather than your own).

    Personally, I couldn't less what society expects, I like to do what is convenient to me.  And for me, it would be highly inconvenient to have to try and 'juggle' having a job and looking after children.  However, if you prefer to do 'juggling' you can, and if you prefer to not have children at all and concentrate on a career you can do that too.  You are under no obligation to pay any attention to what 'society' wants, unless you feel like it.

  2. See, this is why women should refrain from asking the questions in this section.

    Women are "society". What do you mean women are expected to try and be beautiful, have the perfect body...? What the h**l else are they doing? They sure as h**l aren't doing construction or leading nations or dunking basketballs or having hit late night comedy shows or building internet modalities. What else do you have to do? You think men should work hard to be economically successful, go out and chase a woman down, when he finally enters a relationship with her he should work even harder and pay all the bills while the women should stay home and have kids and be ugly? And then spend half the day complaining about it on internet forums!!? What do you want? Either compete with men, or show your value in other ways.

  3. Nobody is forcing poor litle womyn to nothing. Quit your blabbermouth...

  4. Here are just a few of the prescribed roles/attitudes that we as a society have used as default attitudes.  We rarely question them.

    Women are not aggressive

    Women need help from men

    Women don't do well in math or science

    Women can't handle the real world

    Women are indecisive

    Women know how to show their emotions more

    Women are unselfish

    Women don't need education as much as men

    Women are not natural leaders

  5. "closer relationship with children".

    No evidence for this.  Its not quantity, but the quality of the interaction that matters.

    As to the rest of your question, see for more ideas.

  6. 3. Women wear panties

  7. I can think of a few others(simply to expand on those you mentioned,not to argue against,but what I've seen in my experience).1. that a woman has to work outside of the home,pursue a career,college or be considered a failure.2. that a woman shouldn't need a man and should instead consider him 2nd in her life to her own needs and career.3.that any woman who enjoys being sexually attractive and is sexually active is only so because of how men expect her to be and that 'barbie doll' image.4. a woman who wants to be a stay at home mom,enjoys being a housewife and doesn't expect or demand her husband 'share equal duties' simply because they each have their automatically backward,behind the times and brainwashed.These are what I was raised with,along side the ones you mentioned.It seems dependent on where you live.But the interesting part is trying to find oneself and ones own values in the midst of what others expect.It seems to me a matter of personal awareness and choice,choosing not to follow the crowd/society's expection of who you should be blindly.

  8. in England the government gives you 80% of your childcare back if both parents work 16 hours a week so women arent expected to stay at home.

    i work 20 hours a week and have a daughetr who is nearly 4 months. i have the best of both worlds. In September I am doing my third year of my degree and i get paid childcare then too.

    with the body and looks think that doesnt bother me. i liek looking good but so does my husband. he cleanses, moisturises, uses face masks, does his eye brows, gels his hair etc. he takes ages to get ready a lot of men are like this in modern society. my brother is too and all our male friends.

    i live in England though so maybe its different where you are

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