
Sociological perspective---sociology major please help!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i am so busy with finals this week and do not have any time what so ever to answer these questions... please if someone could help me it would mean the world!!! feel free to use your own experiences.... thanks so much... the teacher would like each answer to be not more than 2 hundred wordssss :S

1.What is "instrumental" and "expressive" leadership. define each briefly and give an example from your own experience (aside from your family) in which both forms of group leadership were present. Clarify how your examples exemplify these leadership roles.

2.How have the bureaucratic features of "impersonality" and "formal written communication" been present in your experience as a student at the University of Calgary?




  1. Brian,

    I do sympathise with you on the busyness around finals time - not nice!  However, I can't urge you strongly enough to find time to write these 400 words yourself.  I'm a Sociology PhD student and teach undergraduates - if I found one of my students asking for someone else to do their work for them, I would have to report them for possible collusion or impersonation, which are very serious academic offences.  Have a look in your degree booklet - the penalties are usually severe and in some cases may extend to you failing your degree and being asked to leave.  I hope this doesn't scare you too much, but I just wanted to warn you...  Although I wouldn't recommend it,  it might be better to hand in nothing at all and possibly fail the module rather than possibly failing the degree.

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